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Address of President Roosevelt at Canton, Ohio, September 30, 1907

In Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 099

Read by Donald Cummings

Theodore Roosevelt

"Instead of letting ourselves, at the thought of mealtime, fall into a state of chronic mental flutter that incapacitates us for any se…

Chapter I

In Pickett's Gap

Read by Donald Cummings

Homer Greene

Rival railroads want to run a rail line through Pickett's Gap. A heartwarming tale of how 13-year-old Dannie Pickett tries to stop them from…

The Result of a Whipping

In A Tale of the Tow-Path

Read by Donald Cummings

Homer Greene

All work and no play makes 14-year-old Joe Gaston run away. He's also falsely branded as a horse-thief by his own father. This heart-warming…


In Microphone Showdown 2

Read by David Cummings

William Wordsworth

This is a project which will allow readers and listeners to compare the recording quality of a wide variety of recording devices. It is a se…


In The Further Adventures of Zorro

Read by Donald Cummings

Johnston McCulley and Johnston Mcculley

The Further Adventures of Zorro is the sequel to The Mark of Zorro and sees the masked hero out to rescue the kidnapped Lolita Pulido. Swash…

P1, Ch3: Puppy Troubles

In The Story My Doggie Told to Me

Read by Donald Cummings

Ralph Henry Barbour

The author of this book, Ralph Henry Barbour, was a prolific writer of scholastic and college sports and adventure fiction for boys. Here is…

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