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Chapter 5

In Tim

Read by Larry Caplan

Howard Sturgis and Howard Overing Sturgis

The first of only three novels by English author Howard Overing Sturgis, the son of wealthy American expatriates and a close friend of Henry…

Responding to Conflict in Africa: the United Nations and Regional Organizations

In Centre for International Studies Podcasts

Read by Jane Boulden and Kalypso Nicolaidis


University of Oxford Podcasts

Do International Criminal Courts Strengthen Justice on the Ground in Post-Confli…

In Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict

Read by Jane Stromseth and Dapo Akande


University of Oxford Podcasts

A Bullet with your Name on

In Reading, Writing, Romans

Read by Jane Masséglia and Hannah Cornwell


University of Oxford Podcasts

Defining Peace and Debating Peace in Relation to War. OxPeace 2010

In Building Peace

Read by Richard Caplan, CAJ Coady and Robert Harris


University of Oxford Podcasts

Why should we study medieval romance?

In Challenging the Canon

Read by Nicholas Perkins and Sarah Wilkin


University of Oxford Podcasts

Good practice in research collections and biobanking

In Research Integrity

Read by Jane Kaye


University of Oxford Podcasts

Who owns your research samples and information? HeLEX

In Health, Law and Emerging Technologies (HeLEX)

Read by Jane Kaye


University of Oxford Podcasts

Good Practice for Research Collection and Biobanks

In Issues in Bioethics - Oxford Bioethics Network

Read by Jane Kaye


University of Oxford Podcasts

Popular fiction in World War One

In First World War: New Perspectives

Read by Jane Potter


University of Oxford Podcasts

Inspiring Women - Inspiring Change

In Energy, Climate Change, Social Entrepreneurship and Gender

Read by Jane Butcher


University of Oxford Podcasts

Women Poets

In "British" World War One Poetry: An Introduction

Read by Jane Potter


University of Oxford Podcasts

FMR 45 The concept of crisis migration

In Forced Migration Review

Read by Jane McAdam


University of Oxford Podcasts

Rice as a crop - a 100 year perspective from 1950 to 2050

In Botanic Garden

Read by Jane Langdale


University of Oxford Podcasts

Lecture 6: Hydraulic Engineering - How We Use Hydraulics to Solve Real Life Engi…

In Department of Engineering Science Centenary Lectures

Read by Jane Smallman


University of Oxford Podcasts

Reporting the financial crisis - lessons for the future

In Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism

Read by Jane Fuller


University of Oxford Podcasts

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