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The Herb List S

In Culinary Herbs: Their Cultivation, Harvesting, Curing and Uses

Read by Sarah B

Maurice Grenville Kains

This book describes use and care, and growing of herbs for cooking, healing and other interesting miscellaneous information related to herbs…

Chapter XI

In With Her in Ourland

Read by Lucretia B.

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

Third in the trilogy of the feminist classics, after Moving the Mountain and Herland. It was published serially in Perkins Gilman's periodic…

Quando il consiglio degli augei si tenne

In Le Rime

Read by Josip B.

Dante Alighieri

Le Rime sono una raccolta messa insieme e ordinata da moderni editori, che riunisce il complesso della produzione lirica dantesca dalle prov…

16 - 1.3.IV. Lomenie's Edicts.

In The French Revolution Volume 1 the Bastille

Read by Lucretia B.

Thomas Carlyle

The French Revolution: A History was written by the Scottish essayist, philosopher, and historian Thomas Carlyle. The three-volume work, fir…

04 - Book 1, Chapter 4 - A Quiet Life

In The Mermaid

Read by Lucretia B.

Lily Dougall

"'What a fool I was not to go where she beckoned!' mused Caius. 'Where? Anywhere into the heart of the ocean, out of this dull, sordid …

Mis' Smith - Read by LB

In Mis' Smith

Read by Lucretia B.

Albert Bigelow Paine

LibriVox volunteers bring you 15 recordings of Mis' Smith, by Albert Paine. This was the Weekly Poetry project for April 7th, 2013.

My Springs - Read by LB

In My Springs

Read by Lucretia B.

Sidney Lanier

LibriVox volunteers bring you 9 recordings of My Springs by Sidney Lanier. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for April 7th, 2013. This…

31 - Gulliver Escapes From The Eagle

In The Junior Classics Volume 5: Stories That Never Grow Old

Read by Lucretia B.

William Patten and Variousandwilliam Patten

A selection of famous tales selected and re-worked for a junior audience. Stories are taken from Arabian Nights, Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's…

Letter II

In Clarissa Harlowe, or the History of a Young Lady - Volume 3

Read by Lucretia B.

Samuel Richardson

Clarissa Harlowe, is the tragic heroine of this story, she is a beautiful and virtuous young lady whose family has become wealthy only recen…

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