Search Results

053 - Se tanta pena tenho merecida

In Sonetos - Poemas de Amor

Read by M.

Luis Vaz de Camoes and Luís Vaz de Camões

Luís Vaz de Camões (c. 1524 — 10 de Junho de 1580) é frequentemente considerado como o maior poeta de língua por…

015 - Lembranças saudosas, se cuidais

In Sonetos - Poemas Filosoficos

Read by M.

Luís Vaz de Camões

Luís Vaz de Camões é frequentemente considerado como o maior poeta de língua portuguesa e dos maiores da Humanid…

The Joys of Cricket

In History of the Eighteenth Century in Ten Poems

Read by Adam Rounce


University of Oxford Podcasts

Institute of Fiscal Studies - Current Issues in the Taxation of Land and Income:…

In 1909: The People's Budget

Read by Stuart Adam


University of Oxford Podcasts

Voluntary Carbon Offsets

In Environmental Change Institute: Introductions to Research

Read by Adam Bumpus


University of Oxford Podcasts

Above All Liberties: Media Freedom in the Digital Age

In Christ Church

Read by Adam Boulton


University of Oxford Podcasts

A Strategic Analysis of the First Anglo-Afghan War 1839-42: Lessons for Today

In Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict

Read by Adam Finlay


University of Oxford Podcasts

Panel 1 | Preludes and Explanations Re-scaling Egypt's Political Economy: Neolib…

In The Egyptian Revolution, One Year On

Read by Adam Hanieh


University of Oxford Podcasts

Freud's Impossible Life

In Wolfson College Podcasts

Read by Adam Phillips


University of Oxford Podcasts

Quo Vadis Global Governance? Civilizational Challenges Facing the United Nations

In Politics and International Relations Podcasts

Read by Adam Roberts


Podcasts from the Department of Politics and International relations and its centres.

Human Rights After the Election: A Near Miss or Apocalypse Now?

In Oxford Human Rights Hub Seminars

Read by Adam Wagner


University of Oxford Podcasts

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