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Bible (YLT) 29: Joel

Read by Mark Penfold

Young's Literal Translation, Young'S Literal Translation and Young'S Literal Translationtranslated Byrobert Young

Young's Literal Translation is a translation of the Bible into English, published in 1862. The translation was made by Robert Young, compile…

Перед закатом / Before the Sunset

Read by Mark Chulsky

Mirra Lokhvitskaya

Mirra Lokhvitsky was a Russian poet who rose to fame in the late 1890s, her books of poetry received the prestigious Pushkin Prize. Due to t…

Силуэты русских писателей, Выпуск 1

Read by Mark Chulsky

Yuly Aykhenvald

Бесконечно преданный русской литературе, Юлий Айхенвальд видел писателя как уникальную личность и не признавал литературных школ и течений. …

Bible (YLT) 38-39: Zechariah and Malachi

Read by Mark Penfold

Young's Literal Translation, Young'S Literal Translation and Young'S Literal Translationtranslated Byrobert Young

Young's Literal Translation is a translation of the Bible into English, published in 1862. The translation was made by Robert Young, compile…

Bible (Fenton) 08, 13-14, 16-22, 25, 27: Holy Bible in Modern English, The: Psa…

Read by Mark Penfold

Ferrar Fenton Bible

The Holy Bible in Modern English, commonly known as the Ferrar Fenton Bible, was one of the earliest translations of the Bible into "mo…

Bible (YLT) 34-37: Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah and Haggai

Read by Mark Penfold

Young's Literal Translation, Young'S Literal Translation and Young'S Literal Translationtranslated Byrobert Young

Young's Literal Translation is a translation of the Bible into English, published in 1862. The translation was made by Robert Young, compile…

Juggernaut of Space

Read by Mark Nelson

Ray Cummings

Never had the mind of man conceived so horrible a doom as was reaching for Earth. Never had a greater need for Earth's valiant champions bee…

Second Stage Lensmen

Read by Mark Nelson

E. E. “Doc” Smith

Earth is once again in peril. The Boskonian organization, thought defeated, has acquired the negasphere technology and is preparing to use i…

Bible (YLT) 25: Lamentations

Read by Mark Penfold

Young's Literal Translation, Young'S Literal Translation and Young'S Literal Translationtranslated Byrobert Young

Young's Literal Translation is a translation of the Bible into English, published in 1862. The translation was made by Robert Young, compile…

Авантюристы гражданской войны

Read by Mark Chulsky

A. Vetlugin

Military history essays of WWI and Russian Civil War, lesser known episodes.A.Vetlugin (a.k.a. Voldemar Ryndzune) became an adventurer himse…

The Little Monsters Come

Read by Mark Nelson

Ray Cummings

Desperately seeking escape from their own tortured chunk of hell, they needed a specimen from this great and gracious world they planned to …

Bible (YLT) 09: 1 Samuel

Read by Mark Penfold

Young's Literal Translation, Young'S Literal Translation and Young'S Literal Translationtranslated Byrobert Young

The First Book of Samuel ushers in the era of kings, notably Saul and David, who represent the battle between the kingdoms of law and grace,…

The Bible (Fenton) NT06-NT27: Romans to Revelation

Read by Mark Penfold

Ferrar Fenton Bible

Work on the translation began in 1853 by a London businessman named Ferrar Fenton (1832–1920). The complete Bible was first published in 190…

Bible (YLT) 11: 1 Kings

Read by Mark Penfold

Robert Young and Young'S Literal Translation

As one kingdom passes and another emerges, the First Book of the Kings chronicles the ancestral lineage of King David through his son, Solom…

Силуэты русских писателей, Выпуск 2

Read by Mark Chulsky

Yuly Aykhenvald

Бесконечно преданный русской литературе, Юлий Айхенвальд видел писателя как уникальную личность и не признавал литературных школ и течений. …

Bible (WNT) NT 08: 2 Corinthians

Read by Mark Penfold

Weymouth New Testament and Weymouth New Testamenttranslated Byrichard Francis Weymouth

This second letter from the Apostle Paul to the congregation of believers in the bustling port city of Corinth gives us a much more personal…

Children of the Lens

Read by Mark Nelson

E. E. “Doc” Smith

Earth is under attack again! The Eddorians have developed their own version of The Lens, and with hyperspace tubes are potting an invasion o…

Раковина (The Conch)

Read by Mark Chulsky

Georgy Arkadyevich Shengeli

«Раковина» - главный сборник стихотворений Георгия Шенгели, демонстрирующий отточенную технику и литературную эрудицию. С середи…

Владислав Ходасевич, Стихи и Переводы

Read by Mark Chulsky

Vladislav Khodasevich

Владислав Ходасевич (1886 - 1939) — русский поэт, критик, мемуарист и историк литературы, пушкинист.Отец поэта был из польских дворян, мать …

That Affair Next Door (Version 2)

Read by Mark Leder

Anna Katharine Green

One evening, New York society doyenne looks out her window and sees a man and woman entering the mansion opposite hers. Ten minutes later, o…

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