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11 - The Great Adventure

In The Iron Heel

Read by Matt Soar

Jack London

A dystopian novel about the terrible oppressions of an American oligarchy at the beginning of the Twentieth Century, and the struggles of a …

'I've Found Him!' Exclaimed Jasper

In Five Little Peppers Abroad

Read by Matt Sherman

Margaret Sidney

This book is the next in the series of the Five Little Peppers, by Margaret Sidney, after Five Little Peppers and How They Grew and Five Lit…

43 - Ivanhoe And Guy Mannering

In The Junior Classics Volume 5: Stories That Never Grow Old

Read by Matt Lusher

William Patten and Variousandwilliam Patten

A selection of famous tales selected and re-worked for a junior audience. Stories are taken from Arabian Nights, Robinson Crusoe, Gulliver's…

The Bears Make a Visit

In Fairy Stories my Children Love Best of All

Read by Matt Bounds

Edgar Dubs Shimer

In this collection, we get to know which fairy tales Mr Shimer loved to tell his kids. Some of the stories may be familiar, but most of them…

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