
The Thebaid, or The Brothers at War

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Jean Racine

"The reign of Louis XIV. in France, like the age of Pericles at ancient Athens, was remarkable for literary excellence no less than for…


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W. S. Gilbert

About as far from a rollicking Gilbert and Sullivan musical as you can get: this is Gilbert's tragic version of Goethe's Faust. - Summary b…


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Jean Racine

Titus, emperor of Rome, wants to marry Berenice, queen of Palestine, but decides that Rome will not be able to handle having him marry a for…


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Jean Racine

Another tragedy by Racine, based on the historical character and career of Mithridates circa 63 BCE. Closing with sorrow and lamentation and…

The Cenci

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Percy Bysshe Shelley

Written in 1819, but not first staged for over hundred years after it was written due to controversial themes of incest and parricide, it wa…


Read by Nela Reinfuss

Juliusz Słowacki

Balladyna mieszka wraz z siostrą, Aliną, oraz matką w chacie w lesie. Ich dni przemijają na pracy w polu, ale Balladyna chce więcej od życia…


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Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Oedipus is a Latin verse tragedy written by the Roman playwright Seneca the Younger. It is based on the Greek legend of Oedipus and his marr…

La vida es sueño (Version 2)

Read by Epachuko

Pedro Calderón De La Barca

La vida es sueño, publicada en 1635, es posiblemente la obra de teatro más relevante del barroco español. Pedro Calder&…

The Gamester

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Edward Moore

The Gamester is Edward Moore's most famous work, and while it has fallen into relative obscurity in the last century, at the time it marked …


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Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Agamemnon is a verse tragedy of 1012 lines written by the Roman playwright Seneca the Younger in the 1st Century CE and based on the Greek L…


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Jean Racine

Racine's version of the time-honored story of Iphigenia was acted for the first time in 1674. The model upon which it is shaped is the "…

Tristan and Isolde

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Richard Wagner

The Libretto of Richard Wagner's music drama Tristan and Isolde, translated into English by John P Jackson, is here presented as a spoken dr…


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Andromache is a Classical Greek verse tragedy written by Euripides in the 5th century BCE.When Troy was taken by the Greeks, Andromache, wif…


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Jean Racine

"The time to which this tragedy relates is much later than that of any other of Racine's historical plays. The capture of Babylon (or r…


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Thomas Noon Talfourd

This drama, set in Ancient Greece, was written by a Victorian lawyer who was a close friend of Charles Dickens. When collected into book for…


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Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Thyestes is a Latin verse tragedy written by the Roman playwright Seneca the Younger, here translated into English. It is based on the Greek…


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Epes Sargent Iv

Inspired by the tale of El Cid, U.S. author Epes Sargent created this drama about a knight forced to conceal his true identity. The play de…

Life is a Dream

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Pedro Calderón de la Barca and Pedro Calderón De La Barca

Life Is a Dream (La vida es sueño) is a Spanish-language verse drama by Pedro Calderón de la Barca. First published in 1636, t…

Gyges und sein Ring

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Friedrich Hebbel

In diesem Drama geht es um eine Männerfreundschaft, Liebe, Macht, Stolz, missbrauchtes Vertrauen, verlorene Ehre und Rache. - Summary b…

Enrico IV

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Luigi Pirandello

Durante una sfilata in costume dell'inizio del novecento, rievocativa del celebre episodio dell'imperatore Enrico IV di Franconia a Canossa…

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