Биой Касарес Адольфо - Дневник войны со свиньями
«Дневник войны со свиньями» (1969) стал одной из последних книг знаменитого ар…
Остановка "7:30"
Юмористический рассказ постсоветской эпохи. Иными словами - откровенный стёб о трудовых буднях рабочего народа.
Monday, April 05, 1976 Mary gets her singing parts mixed up. Next Episode: https://archive.org/details/BnR80404061976 0:00 - Introducing the…
Thursday- Shopping at the Mall, Mayor giving a speech From the Marry Backstayge reels. This tape degrades as the days go by.
Friday- Mayor still talking From the Mary Backstayge reels. This tapes sound degrades as the days go by. There is also cross talk from the o…
Short on space, Pop gets put in the Nursery. There may be cross-talk on this episode. Next Episode: https://archive.org/details/bn-r-1771114…
An unexplainable discussion with Greg then Pop in the hospital with amnesia. Next Episode: https://archive.org/details/bn-r-17911161973-visi…
The Backstayge gang visits pop in the hospital. Guaranteed to have excessive cross-talk. Next Episode: https://archive.org/details/bn-r-1801…