
The Castled Crag of Drachenfels

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

George Gordon, Lord Byron

LibriVox volunteers bring you 12 recordings of The Castled Crag of Drachenfels, by George Gordon, Lord Byron.This was the Fortnightly Poetry…

Don Bonifacio

Read by Mario Pineda

José Milla y Vidaurre and José Milla Y Vidaurre

Poema narrativo con un toque cómico. El protagonista es un respectado y ricachón miembro de la sociedad, al que le suceden var…

Captain Craig: A Book of Poems

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Edwin Arlington Robinson

This is a volume of narrative poems by Edwin Arlington Robinson. - Summary by Carolin

Six lyrics from the Ruthenian of Taras Shevchenko, also The Song of the Merchan…

Read by Phil Benson

Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov

Poetry by two radical poets, born in the same year, who suffered exile and punishment under the Tsarist Russian empire. Taras Shevchenko is …

Pearl (Weston translation)

Read by Newgatenovelist

The Gawain Poet and The Gawain Poettranslated Byjessie Laidlay Weston

Pearl is a structurally complex mediaeval poem that combines narrative, allegory, dream vision, elegy, affirmation of Christian faith and me…

Two Cumberland Ballads

Read by Phil Benson

John Stagg

Two narrative ballads, based on local lore, by the Cumberland poet John Stagg. In 'The Hermit of Rockcliffe', a young fugitive takes refuge …

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