
Essays Before a Sonata

Read by Edmund Bloxam

Charles Ives

Some philosophical studies in relation to the ideas of Emerson, Thoreau, Hawthorne. Although the sonata is not explicitly referenced in this…

Der Lärm - Eine Kampfschrift gegen die Geräusche unseres Lebens

Read by Claus Misfeldt

Theodor Lessing

Jeder hat sich wohl schon einmal über lärmende Zeitgenossen geärgert. Der von Mitmenschen verursachte Krach ist seit je her e…

Science and the Modern World

Read by Peter Tucker

Alfred North Whitehead

It is fortunate that in the twentieth century, science and philosophy are beginning to be united in the same person as they were in the seve…

Animals' Rights Considered in Relation to Social Progress

Read by LucieLutin

Henry Salt

In the book, Salt argues against the idea of speciesism, though the term was not coined for another 76 years.The book also argues against vi…


Read by Ciufi Galeazzi

Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell was a well known mathematician, philosopher, and author. First published in England under the title "An Outline of Ph…

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