
Über die Dummheit

Read by Claus Misfeldt

Leopold Loewenfeld

In seinem Werk aus dem Jahr 1909 behandelt der Autor umfassend das Phänomen der menschlichen Dummheit - wohlgemerkt zu einer Zeit, in d…

An Inaugural Dissertation on Pulmonary Consumption

Read by Inkell

Edward Delafield

At a time when diseases termed "consumption" were among the leading cause of death in the county, physicians such as Edward Delafi…

The Honour of the Gout

Read by Alister

Philander Misaurus

This droll and 'enflammatory' pamphelet doth be a grondebreaking worke of musing upon a great aflicktion of Man, upon the better nature of t…

La América Vindicada de la Calumnia de Haber Sido Madre del Mal Venéreo

Read by Mario Pineda

Antonio Sánchez Valverde

Estudio científico sobre el origen del gálico (enfermedad venérea), su origen, y la vindicación de Améric…

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