
The History of Britain

Read by Thomas A. Copeland

John Milton

A reader of this history, encountering the frequent references to “my author,” meaning the current source, will be reminded of DON QUIXOTE a…

Theodoric the Goth

Read by Patrick Eaton

Thomas Hodgkin

Theodoric the Great (~454-526) was king of the Ostrogoths during the time of the terminal decline of the Western Roman Empire. After wanderi…

Roman History: The Early Empire, from the Assassination of Julius Caesar to tha…

Read by Pamela Nagami

William Wolfe Capes

William Wolfe Capes (1834-1914) was an Anglican cleric, a classicist, and a historian. This is his short chronicle of the early Roman Empire…

Ιστορίαι (Histories) Βιβλίοv 1 (Book 1)

Read by olorou


Η Ιστορία του Θουκυδίδη εξιστορεί τα πρώτα 20 χρόνια του πολέμου μεταξύ της Αθήνας και της Σπάρτης, που κράτησε από το 431 μέχρι το 404 π.Χ.…

Las guerras ibéricas

Read by Epachuko

Appian Of Alexandria

El historiador Apiano dedica el volumen VI de su "Historia romana" al prolongado y cruento proceso de conquista de los pueblos que…

Libro VII de la Historia de Heródoto

Read by Tux


Muere Darío haciendo contra la Grecia aprestos militares que continua su hijo Jerges: con este objeto hace abrir un canal en el Athos…

Parallel Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans Vol. 7

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus

Parallel Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans is a series of biographies of famous men, arranged in tandem to illuminate their common moral …

Libro VIII de la Historia de Heródoto

Read by Tux


Reseña de la armada griega reunida en Artemisio, donde atacada por la de Jerges, y despues de dos combates se re tira hácia Sa…

The World's Famous Orations, Vol. I: Greece

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Various,William Jennings Bryan

This is the first volume in the ten volume collection of the world's most famous orations, as compiled by William Jennings Bryant and Franci…

Xerxes, Makers of History

Read by Deon Gines

Jacob Abbott

This history covers the years of Xerxes' years as ruler of the Persian empire and invasion of Greece. - Summary by Deon Gines

Las Germanias

Read by Epachuko

Publius Cornelius Tacitus

Obra etnografica en la que el historiador romano Tácito describe el territorio, las gentes y las costumbres de los pueblos germanos a…

Geschichte des Peloponnesischen Kriegs

Read by redaer


Thukydides beschrieb den Peloponnesischen Krieg (431 bis 404 v. Chr.) zwischen dem von Athen geführten Attischen Seebund und dem Pelopo…

The History of Rome, volume 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Titus Livius

The History of Rome (Ab Urbe Condita) is a history of ancient Rome, written in Latin by Livy (Titus Livius) between 27 and 9 BC, covering th…

Beacon Lights of History, Vol 3: Ancient Achievements

Read by KHand

John Lord

The third book in the Beacon Lights of History series, Lord discusses achievements such as the formation of laws, the development of the fin…

Early Rome, from the Foundation of the City to its Destruction by the Gauls

Read by Pamela Nagami

Wilhelm Ihne

In this short scholarly work the German historian, Wilhelm Ihne, elucidates what is known or can be deduced about Rome's early history, from…

1001 Questions and Answers on General History

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Benjamin Hathaway

A book for students of history to test their knowledge and to direct their studies. As the title tells us, this is a book of 1001 questions,…

The Roman Empire of the Second Century: Or, The Age of the Antonines

Read by Pamela Nagami

William Wolfe Capes

This short overview of the Roman Empire from AD 96-180 opens as the murderers of Domitian raise to power the wise old senator, Nerva. Ignori…

Beacon Lights of History, Vol 4: Imperial Antiquity

Read by KHand

John Lord

Volume 4 discusses some of the key leaders of the ancient world, including Julius Caesar, Marcus Aurelius and Constantine, as well as import…

The Jesus of History

Read by Paul Mazumdar

Terrot R. Glover

A collection of a series of lectures delivered while Glover was in India setting the life of Jesus into its historical context and seeing wh…

The Pilgrimage Of Etheria

Read by David Wales


This (probably) late fourth century common era (A.D.) narrative of a Christian pilgrimage is the earliest such text which survives to us. It…

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