The Fortunate Foundlings
Gelesen von Helen Taylor
Eliza Haywood

A story of love and adventure, following the fortunes of a young man and woman each trying to make their way in the wide world. Horatio and Louisa are twins, abandoned in infancy and adopted by a wealthy bachelor. For various reasons both leave his protection and set off independently: Plucky and determined Louisa must defend her virtue and make her way in a man’s world, and her spirited brother seeks his fortune in the army. This energetic narrative gallops from city to court, from battlefield to convent, and across a number of European countries. Written in 1744 (when the novel was just emerging as a form) by actress and prolific author Eliza Haywood, this is an eighteenth century rollercoaster - action packed, passionate, melodramatic, and often unashamedly sentimental. - Summary by Helen Taylor (10 hr 28 min)
A good use of your ears. Life, love, deception, intrigue, abject poverty to opu…

This is an interesting story of life in the time of Charles the 12th of Sweden, as viewed through the eyes of twins. It explores the life and expectations open to women and young men and the social, economic, political and religious confines that bind people to class. Inequality gets a good airing. Eliza Haywood, the writer, was a single mother and very prolific writer who died in 1756. Helen Taylor, the reader, is excellent and I often pick books, like this one, on the strength of her reading.
fantastic reader - sweet romances in book

the reader did a fantastic job! i am very impressed by this reader everytime i hear a book she has read. this book would be enjoyed by ladies i think, more then gentlemen - because it is the story of twins and the romance & love each twin finds in their adventures in the world. its not a very detailed story, so it is some light easy listening with twists of fate weaved in to the tale.
Good story

Well-written and well-read story with not too heavy of a plot. I daresay this may have been considered slightly scandalous during the time it was written. I do like it.
sweet but melodramatic story, read by the excellent Helen Taylor
SL Perry

Great book after some initial hesitation re story line..

I enjoyed listening to this book. Thank you!

The Perfect Combination: Work AND Reader!