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Plague Ship

Gelesen von Mark Nelson

(4,452 Sterne; 887 Bewertungen)

Lured by its exotic gems, the space trader Solar Queen lands on the little-known planet of Sargol, only to find the ruthless Inter-Solar Company there ahead of them. Adapting quickly to the culture of Sargol’s feline inhabitants, the crew of the Queen beat out their rivals and successfully make a deal with the natives. But soon after takeoff, the Queen’s crew is stricken with a plague, and they are now banned from landing on any inhabited planet. Will the Queen’s crew save themselves, or be condemned to drift forever through space? (Summary by Mark Nelson) (7 hr 4 min)


01 Perfumed Planet


Read by Mark Nelson

02 Rivals


Read by Mark Nelson

03 Contact at Last


Read by Mark Nelson

04 Gorp Hunt


Read by Mark Nelson

05 The Perilous Seas


Read by Mark Nelson

06 Duellist's Challenge


Read by Mark Nelson

07 Barring Accident


Read by Mark Nelson

08 Headaches


Read by Mark Nelson

09 Plague!


Read by Mark Nelson

10 E Stat Landing


Read by Mark Nelson

11 Desparate Measures


Read by Mark Nelson

12 Strange Behavior of a Hoobat


Read by Mark Nelson

13 Off the Map


Read by Mark Nelson

14 Special Mission


Read by Mark Nelson

15 Medic Hovan Reports


Read by Mark Nelson

16 The Battle of the Video


Read by Mark Nelson

17 In Custody


Read by Mark Nelson

18 Bargain Concluded


Read by Mark Nelson



(4 Sterne)

Plague Ship is a fun bit of light science fiction, although the science part is not really up to scratch, and doesn't stand a close inspection. However, the story is enjoyable enough to see through that, and enjoy the story anyhow. Mark Nelson is a superb reader, to the degree that I have started seeking out what he has read!

Enjoy this author

(4,5 Sterne)

another classic sci-fi adventure.. Mark's reading always makes it better.


(5 Sterne)

My initial thought upon downloading this book was that I hoped it wouldn’t be boring. I was greatly pleased when I began to listen and nearly had to pry myself away to finish my task. The intergalactic/interspecies relations were interesting, although slightly easy to surpass. Upon learning of the cargo I was able to immediately ascertain as to the outcome, although the exact passenger was my second guess. The way at which our heroes circumnavigated the law to return to civilization was quite the ride. I highly recommend this book to any would be listeners.

Good listen

(5 Sterne)

A lot better then I thought it'd be. I downloaded it on a whim, and I am glad I did. The book seems before it's time and has aged very well. Someone before me mentioned that there are no female characters, as a downside. To that I didn't even think much of or noticed much till I read that review. I thought on it though and in my opinion, the lack of female characters makes sense in the main characters profession. If space travel and trade like what the novel has was real it would probably be a male denominated field, due to its dangers and the possible social norms or stigmas of the non humans in which the crew would encounter. This is not to say that there would be no women at all in the field just less and more of them would more then likely work with the company due to it being safer and more stable work. Also the book does say that the female of the other race did show up after trade was to be done. This also makes sense that the men of the race would want to protect them from other worlders.

An absolute rollicking tale

(5 Sterne)

This one is a real winner. The reader brings real life to this intriguing book. Its a great sci-fi story and has aged much better than some of the older sci-fi stories of its era have. some great characters and a good engaging plot with plenty of action.

stop the music & sound effects

(4 Sterne)

love Mark Nelson's readings. though I don't like the music and sound effects before every chapter, I like to listen in bed and dose off but those %#^@ effects are ridiculous IMO. the book was ok, not the best.

(5 Sterne)

some talk down stories like plague ship. these stories,authors,editors ;; the whole art of the story is completely fulfilled by this author . none can be true and add more to the art of story telling than Andrea Norton.


(4 Sterne)

A good, if gentle, sci fi story with interesting characters and a plot that, if a little heavy on trading minutae, travels along at a good pace. Very well narrated too, as ever from Mr Nelson