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An Old-Fashioned Girl

Gelesen von Jennette Selig

(4,772 Sterne; 527 Bewertungen)

Polly Milton, a 14-year-old country girl, visits her friend Fanny Shaw and her wealthy family in the city for the first time. Poor Polly is overwhelmed by the splendor at the Shaws' and their urbanized, fashionable lifestyles, fancy clothes and some other habits she considers weird and, mostly, unlikable. However, Polly's warmth, support and kindness eventually win her the hearts of all the family members. Six years later, Polly comes back to the city to become a music teacher. (Summary from Wikipedia) (10 hr 13 min)


Preface/Polly Arrives


Read by Jennette Selig

New Fashions


Read by Jennette Selig

Polly's Troubles


Read by Jennette Selig

Little Things


Read by Jennette Selig



Read by Jennette Selig



Read by Jennette Selig



Read by Jennette Selig

Six Years Afterward


Read by Jennette Selig



Read by Jennette Selig

Brothers and Sisters


Read by Jennette Selig

Needles and Tongues


Read by Jennette Selig

Forbidden Fruit


Read by Jennette Selig

The Sunny Side


Read by Jennette Selig

Nipped in the Bud


Read by Jennette Selig

Breakers Ahead


Read by Jennette Selig

A Dress Parade


Read by Jennette Selig

Playing Grandmother


Read by Jennette Selig

The Woman Who Did Not Dare


Read by Jennette Selig

Tom's Success


Read by Jennette Selig



(5 Sterne)

One of my all time favourite books and a lovely narrator. This is one of those wonderful books which inspires you to live a happier and more productive life by only telling a simple yet enduring story. I have listened to this audiobook several times and never tire of it. The characters are so sweet, real and endearing that I was sad to part from them at the close of the story. A brilliant tale wonderfully told and read. I highly recommend it to old and young alike!!

Excellent Title

(5 Sterne)

Lovely story reminding us of the nobler qualities, principles and values so lacking in the world today. It's good to be taken back in time when those qualities so well portrayed in the book were more readily found in people and admired for the strength of character they represented and not looked down upon as weak and contemptible as they sadly are today by many. The reading was excellent and added to the delightful work of the author. Really enjoyable.

cute story behind the story

(5 Sterne)

firsts, great job by the reader. she always has such a clear recording and proper pausing. now, the book! very good. make sure u do not skip the prologue, it tells a cute story behind the story that the aurthor writes about directly like in the opening lines of the last chapter. the first few chapters were dull and i almost stopped, but i held out for another hour and got captivated by the stories within the story and the life changing events and how the characters overcome them.

A classic book with fantastic narration!

(5 Sterne)

This book is a wonderful classic by Louisa May Alcott and read masterfully by Jennette Selig! I was delightfully caught up in the story of Polly and the Shaw family, right from their childhood in the beginning of the story through their young adulthood as the story progressed. If you're a fan of Alcott's Little Women, then you will definitely enjoy An Old-Fashioned Girl. I also highly commend Ms. Selig's narration, and I hope she reads more books for LibriVox.

the perfect pairing!

(5 Sterne)

I'm not sure when I have enjoyed a more delightful journey as walking with Louisa and Jeanette Jennette's narration was perfectly suited to Louisa's writing. I'm only sorry the journey ended. now off to find another... I had never read this book before and I must own that I selected it in hopes of helping me sleep! instead, I found myself rewinding so that I might not miss a single word.


(5 Sterne)

This is such a sweet book! I had to read it for school this year and it has been my favorite one that I’ve read so far. Love, love, love it!! It’s a very sweet story about a lovely girl named Polly and the family that she stays with when she is a child. I would say that all teenagers, especially girls, should read this book before they graduate.

one of the many wonderfully great books I have read

(4 Sterne)

I was suprised to read the whole book, honestly I thought it was going to be a book that I would not be a fond of. however when I read and listened to the book I was amazed and suprised that I was wrong. this book really inspired me to do a better job of being myself because I can relate to about everyone in the book, it showed me my character and how I should fix it. I think you should do the same to read the book, judge less read more!

A classic book with fantastic narration!

(5 Sterne)

This book is a wonderful classic by Louisa May Alcott and read masterfully by Jennette Selig! I was delightfully caught up in the story of Polly and the Shaw family, right from their childhood in the beginning of the story through their young adulthood as the story progressed. If you're a fan of Alcott's Little Women, then you will definitely enjoy An Old-Fashioned Girl. I also highly commend Ms. Selig's narration, and I hope she reads more books for LibriVox.