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At the Point of the Bayonet: A Tale of the Mahratta War

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(4,457 Sterne; 69 Bewertungen)

The story of the war in which the power of the great Mahratta confederacy was broken ended in the firm establishment of the British Empire the Indian Peninsula. When the struggle began, the Mahrattas were masters of no small portion of India; their territory comprising the whole country between Bombay and Delhi, and stretching down from Rajputana to Allahabad; while in the south they were lords of the district of Cuttack, thereby separating Madras from Calcutta. The jealousies of the great Mahratta leaders, Holkar and Scindia, who were constantly at war with each other, or with the Peishwa at Poona, divided and weakened the nation and allowed the British to conquer, although at the cost of much blood, to free a large portion of India from a race that was a scourge--faithless, intriguing and crafty; cruel, and reckless of life. Henty paints the Mahrattas as cowardly tyrants and deserving of their ultimate downfall. - Summary by Lynne Thompson/ G. A. Henty (0 hr 53 min)




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Excellent Story. The Last reader spoils it a bit.

(4,5 Sterne)

Brilliant Story from the British point of view when they are trying to conquer another land... How they try to justify it, it is hilarious. But still a wonderful tale. Ruined a bit by the last reader. Also the ending I thought was abrupt.

a good listen

(4 Sterne)

Like all the other Henty stories I have listened to on Librivox, it illuminates a bit of history I don't know much about and does so in an entertaining way. Well worth a listen.

Suffers from some of the readers

(4 Sterne)

Standard Henty fare; well written, informative, British at it's best, Love it!!! Some of the book suffers due to readers being unable to pronounce Indian names and words (I laughed when the 'J's became Hispanic sounding 'H's - like In the Raha of Hohoray). Finally, will somebody please instruct Esther Ben Simonides how to read for public consumption?? I'm sure she means well, ALL the volunteers do, but she rushes through her chapters as though she's in a race or, more likely, rushing to get her homework finished!! Then when she slows down for a voice characterisation of dialogue, these BOOM out five times louder than the rest of the text (I think it's to make sure you're awake!!). Good effort Esther, but please slow down so we can catch up and try to stay at an even distance from the microphone so we don't keep reaching for the volume knob!!

Another epic ad

(4 Sterne)

A fantastic book thank you to all the readers. The last reader needs pace herself as speed reading is never easy to listen to.


(5 Sterne)

you people realize that you can control the speed of each reader? how do to complain about something you can control. Stupid!

an interesting period piece

(4 Sterne)

though a little tedious at times, overall very interesting to hear about the circumstances surrounding the imperialization of India.

(5 Sterne)

Enjoyed the book. Disliked one of the readers who read as fast as she could not pronouncing her words clearly.

(5 Sterne)

Excellent Book and special thanks to all the Readers for bringing this book to life