From North Carolina to Southern California Without a Ticket and How I Did It
Gelesen von Lee Smalley
John Peele

"... I have decided to write an account of a few of the many adventures and dangers that befell me while making my way, practically without a penny, from Tarboro, North Carolina, to Tucson, Arizona; and thence to the stricken city of San Francisco, Cal., and other points of interest throughout the West, including New Orleans, Dallas, Texas, Fort Worth, El Paso, Dalhart, Texas, Alamogordo, New Mexico, Juarez, Old Mexico, Bisbee, Arizona, Los Angeles, California, San Pedro, California, Searchlight, Nevada, Denver, Colorado, and more than a hundred other points of interest...." (From the Preface) Certain letters that are included in the text at the end of Chapter 9 are not read but may be accessed at: (2 hr 29 min)
Great story

Interesting narrative and a really good reading voice!