A Fleet In Being; Notes Of Two Trips With The Channel Squadron
Gelesen von David Wales
Rudyard Kipling

[Kipling] became involved in the debate over the British response to the rise in German naval power known as the Tirpitz Plan to build a fleet to challenge the Royal Navy, publishing a series of articles in 1898 which were collected as A Fleet in Being. And as always with Kipling there is that wonderful sardonic humor and attention to the lower orders of being. - Summary by Wikipedia and david wales (2 hr 17 min)
A Fleet in Being ...
David R. Smith

Well read. Most interesting racconte of sea life aboard coal powered war ships by still current roles (mostly) and a critical and enjoyable look at all the commissioned and non commissioned officers and their staff in the eyes of an outsider. Thanks!
A Fleet in Being
Recat Routson

Another Excellent story by Kipling and excellent reader , Thanks
its another world
James E

really enjoyed this narrative great job by reader .
had to listen again!! just for fun