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Inventions Of The Great War

Gelesen von David Wales

(4,551 Sterne; 69 Bewertungen)

“… this war was not one of mere destruction. It set men to thinking as they had never thought before. It intensified their inventive faculties, and as a result, the world is richer in many ways. Lessons of thrift and economy have been taught us. Manufacturers have learned the value of standardization. The business man has gained an appreciation of scientific research. The whole story is too big to be contained within the covers of a single book, but I have selected the more important and interesting inventions and have endeavored to describe them in simple language for the benefit of the reader who is not technically trained.” Bond was the sometime editor of Scientific American magazine.
( Book Preface, David Wales) (6 hr 40 min)




Read by David Wales

Chapter 1 The War In And Under The Ground


Read by David Wales

Chapter 2 Hand-Grenades And Trench Mortars


Read by David Wales

Chapter 3 Guns That Fire Themselves


Read by David Wales

Chapter 4 Guns And Super-Guns


Read by David Wales

Chapter 5 The Battle Of The Chemists


Read by David Wales

Chapter 6 Tanks


Read by David Wales

Chapter 7 The War In The Air


Read by David Wales

Chapter 8 Ships That Sail The Skies


Read by David Wales

Chapter 9 Getting The Range


Read by David Wales

Chapter 10 Talking In The Sky


Read by David Wales

Chapter 11 Warriors Of The Paint-Brush


Read by David Wales

Chapter 12 Submarines


Read by David Wales

Chapter 13 Getting The Best Of The U-Boat


Read by David Wales

Chapter 14 "Devil's Eggs"


Read by David Wales

Chapter 15 Surface Boats


Read by David Wales

Chapter 16 Reclaiming The Victims Of Submarines


Read by David Wales



(5 Sterne)

Extremely interesting and expertly narrated. I'm not a war or history buff.

Fantastic accumulation of technical knowledge of ww1

(5 Sterne)

Very clear and understandable description of all technical aspects of ww1 including a summary of reasons why they worked and why they were needed. There is quiet some patriotism and a tendency to emphasize the superiority of the allies which would not be acceptable for a contemporary work but understandable and almost sensible for 1919

The imagination, Invention, and Enginering of the early 20th century

(4 Sterne)

It is awe inspiring when given the circumstances, in this case the Great War, that enabled great inventions from imagination to their specific engineering. This book does a good job bringing to light not only specifics of each engineering marvel and technic, but why and the circumstances that led to each evolution. Very interesting history study.

(4 Sterne)

really interesting, I learnt a lot. the author did a great job of explaining each subject.

(5 Sterne)

Book provides information about WW1 that most of us, including those of us who haves

engineers of war

(5 Sterne)

It is very interesting how people came up with different techniques.

very good

(4 Sterne)

makes you proud to be an american!

great listen took a few weeks but worth it

(5 Sterne)