The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World
Gelesen von LibriVox Volunteers
Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy

This work is Edward Creasy's best known fundamental work of history. It describes in detail 15 battles of world history, beginning with the Battle of Marathon of 490 BC and ending with the Battle of Waterloo of 1815. Each chapter is illustrated with rich historical detail and a timeline of events. - Summary by Carolin (19 hr 25 min)
Chapter V - Victory of Arminius over the Roman Legions under Varus, AD 9 - Part…
Read by Arnie Horton
Chapter V - Victory of Arminius over the Roman Legions under Varus, AD 9 - Part…
Read by Ryan Cherrick
Chapter V - Victory of Arminius over the Roman Legions under Varus, AD 9 - Part…
Read by Ryan Cherrick
Chapter IX - Joan of Arc's Victory over the English at Orleans, AD 1429 - Part 1
Read by Ramon Escamilla
Chapter IX - Joan of Arc's Victory over the English at Orleans, AD 1429 - Part 2
Read by Denise Nordell
Chapter IX - Joan of Arc's Victory over the English at Orleans, AD 1429 - Part 3
Read by Denise Nordell
Chapter XIII - Victory of the Americans over Burgoyne at Saratoga, AD 1777 - Pa…
Read by Denise Nordell
Chapter XIII - Victory of the Americans over Burgoyne at Saratoga, AD 1777 - Pa…
Read by Denise Nordell
Chapter XIII - Victory of the Americans over Burgoyne at Saratoga, AD 1777 - Pa…
Read by Josh Kirsh
Chapter XIII - Victory of the Americans over Burgoyne at Saratoga, AD 1777 - Pa…
Read by Bill Mosley
Great book!

Although some of the readers are hard to understand, this book is still completely worth a listen. The stories of the battles and the drama of history are going to keep you riveted. Thanks to everyone who put this book in audio form, even if some of you were hard to understand from time to time!

Chapter 1 and 14 are done by somebody who can speak English very well and chapter 6 is read by somebody who appears to have just learned how to read. I had to skip those three chapters. Find a better version if available. Nothing worse than not being able to listen to a complete book.
Very good., but skip chapters 1 and 14 .

Harry R

The controversial reader, bala is South Asian. He's speaking good English and it's one of his first languages. It's the Indian dialect of English and easier for me, personally than many others. For those who wish, try it on a slower speed. I find his speech clear and elegant. According to linguist, David Crystal the South Asian dialect's forecast to supplant American as the predominant one worldwide. This is because of 1) population of speakers and 2) strength of the film industry (Bollywood), which already dominates in Russia and the Middle East.
bad readers

Very descriptive,but the reading was pretty bad in most chapters , it kinda defeats the purpose. Personal I stay away from books read by LibriVox Volunteers and I wish LibriVox would only let people who can be understood read. Anyway what I could listen to was very interesting book wise

understand a thing you saying, anybody that can speak English please make a copy of this book I would love to have it and I can't find it hard copy
Garry Hare

very bad. not worth listening to these 2nd language readers with such bad accents. sorry guys practice elsewhere

I can't understand the reader, unfortunately the accent is too heavy.