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Vagabonding Down The Andes

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(4,531 Sterne; 16 Bewertungen)

Sometime in the latter half of 1911, Harry A. Franck jumped out of a box-car and crossed the Rio Grande, from Laredo. Thus began a journey, often afoot, that Harry estimated would take him 8 months. It ended up occupying four years of his life. The first leg of his Latin American epic is recorded in "Tramping Through Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras; Being the Random Notes of an Incurable Vagabond" (The Century Company, 1916). He then headed south to the Canal Zone, Teddy Roosevelt's grand experiment in socialism, and applied within the Zone police force for a position as a census taker (chronicled in "Zone Policeman 88; A Close Range Study of the Panama Canal and Its Workers", The Century Company, April 1913). Since he was one of the few Americans who actually spoke Spanish, and a bevy of other languages, he was hired immediately. By June, 1912, he'd bankrolled enough money to see him through the opening phase of the work I'll be reading for you, "Vagabonding Down the Andes; Being the Narrative of a Journey, Chiefly Afoot, From Panama to Buenos Aires" (The Century Company, 1917). Leaving the Zone in June of 1912, with "objections to his reemployment", he caught a steamer and entered the South American continent at Cartagena, Colombia. Approximate 30 months later, having walked most of the length of the Inca highway, he staggered from a trek that took him over mountains and through raw jungle onto a ferry, and thence sailed into Buenos Aires, regarded as one of the most glamorous and expensive cities on earth at the time. This leg of the four volume epic (which later concludes with "Working North from Patagonia; Being the Narrative of a Journey, Earned on the Way, Through Southern and Eastern South America, The Century Company, 1921) was the longest one, and in many respects, "Vagabonding Down the Andes" was also the most detailed. As you can see, the works were not published in chronological order. Why? I don't know, other than the last volume, which was delayed by Harry's enlistment and serving in WWI.

Harry is an opinionated iconoclast with a strong American value system based upon self-reliance. He's both college-educated and what I suppose can best be called "street smart", though most of his trip took him through places where "street" was little more than an abstract concept. Before his South American journey, he'd already worked his way around the world, and had written a book about it ("A Vagabond Journey Around the World", The Century Company, 1910). Some people are going to get their Politically Correct dander up if they listen. Well, fast traveler, keep in mind that Harry was a man of his times, and thus he sees the world, as we are all people of our times, and thus we see and experience the world. Harry did his vagabonding with a pistol as his constant companion, and lived amongst the poorest classes of people. He drank water collected in the ruts of wagon wheels. Not knowing where his next meal was coming from was the norm, as opposed to the exception. In terms of travel writing he makes Paul Theroux look like an armchair dilettante. Take him as he is, and I think you'll soon become enmeshed in this extraordinary saga.

Written by Elliott Swanson, reader. (32 hr 43 min)


A Foreword of Warning


Read by Elliott Swanson

Chapter 01 - Up to Bogota


Read by Elliott Swanson

Chapter 02 - The Cloistered City


Read by Elliott Swanson

Chapter 03 - From Bogota Over the Quindio


Read by Elliott Swanson

Chapter 04 - Along the Cauca Valley


Read by Elliott Swanson

Chapter 05 - Down the Andes to Quito part 1


Read by Elliott Swanson

Chapter 05 - Down the Andes to Quito part 2


Read by Elliott Swanson

Chapter 06 - The City of the Equator part 1


Read by Elliott Swanson

Chapter 06 - The City of the Equator part 2


Read by Elliott Swanson

Chapter 07 - Down Volcano Avenue


Read by Elliott Swanson

Chapter 08 - Through Southern Equador


Read by Elliott Swanson

Chapter 09 - The Wilds of Northern Peru Part 1


Read by Elliott Swanson

Chapter 09 - The Wilds of Northern Peru Part 2


Read by Elliott Swanson

Chapter 10 - Approaching Inca Land Part 1


Read by Elliott Swanson

Chapter 10 - Approaching Inca Land Part 2


Read by Elliott Swanson

Chapter 11 - Drawbacks of the Trail Part 1


Read by Linda Johnson

Chapter 11 - Drawbacks of the Trail Part 2


Read by Linda Johnson

Chapter 12 - The Roof of Peru Part 1


Read by Linda Johnson

Chapter 12 - The Roof of Peru Part 2


Read by Linda Johnson

Chapter 13 - Round About the Peruvian Capital Part 1


Read by Linda Johnson

Chapter 13 - Round About the Peruvian Capital Part 2


Read by Linda Johnson

Chapter 14 - Overland to Cuzco Part 1


Read by Linda Johnson

Chapter 14 - Overland to Cuzco Part 2


Read by Linda Johnson

Chapter 15 - The Route of the Conquistadores Part 1


Read by Linda Johnson

Chapter 15 - The Route of the Conquistadores Part 2


Read by Linda Johnson

Chapter 16 - The City of the Sun Part 1


Read by Linda Johnson

Chapter 16 - The City of the Sun Part 2


Read by Linda Johnson

Chapter 16 - The City of the Sun Part 3


Read by Linda Johnson

Chapter 16 - The City of the Sun Part 4


Read by Linda Johnson

Chapter 17 - A Forgotten City of the Andes Part 1


Read by Linda Johnson

Chapter 17 - A Forgotten City of the Andes Part 2


Read by Linda Johnson

Chapter 18 - The Collasuyu, or 'Upper' Peru Part 1


Read by Blainej

Chapter 18 - The Collasuyu, or 'Upper' Peru Part 2


Read by Blainej

Chapter 18 - The Collasuyu, or 'Upper' Peru Part 3


Read by Blainej

Chapter 19 - On Foot Across Tropical Bolivia Part 1


Read by Blainej

Chapter 19 - On Foot Across Tropical Bolivia Part 2


Read by Blainej

Chapter 20 - Life in the Bolivian Wilderness Part 1


Read by Blainej

Chapter 20 - Life in the Bolivian Wilderness Part 2


Read by Blainej

Chapter 21 - Skirting the Gran Chaco Part 1


Read by Blainej

Chapter 21 - Skirting the Gran Chaco Part 2


Read by Blainej

Chapter 22 - Southward Through Guarina Land


Read by Blainej



(5 Sterne)

This book is so good. It's amazing that one man vagabonded so far, he must have circumnavigated the globe! Although he is very much a product of his time, so his attitudes towards the natives are shocking by today's standards, his observations of life in such remote places make this invaluable as a historic document. There is so much here that I am on my third listen, and every time I hear something that I didn't catch before. Tales of shrunken heads, religious ceremonies complete with enormous puppets, clifftop inventors with flying machines, descriptions of local costumes and produce, and all with an utter disregard for any authority other than his own, at a time when most of the places he was visiting were only accessible by foot, and all goods were brought on the back of an alpaca! His other work on librivox (Zone Policeman 88) is also extremely interesting. If you look at his wiki, you'll see he vagabonded everywhere and wrote countless books about his experiences. Truly remarkable.