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Murder Madness

Gelesen von Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

(4,292 Sterne; 118 Bewertungen)

Murder Madness! Seven Secret Service men had completely disappeared. Another had been found a screaming, homicidal maniac, whose fingers writhed like snakes. So Bell, of the secret "Trade," plunges into South America after The Master--the mighty, unknown octopus of power whose diabolical poison threatens a continent! (Summary by Murray Leinster) (7 hr 32 min)


Chapter 1


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 2


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 3


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 4


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 5


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 6


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 7


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 8


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 9


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 10


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 11


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 12


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 13


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 14


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 15


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 16


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 17


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)

Chapter 18


Read by Richard Kilmer (1942 - 2022)


Thrilling story

(5 Sterne)

Nice plot, intersting turn of events, a maniac with world domination ambitions and of coyrse the right dose of romance... What more could you want? The pace of the reading was a bit slow, but enjoyable. Totally worth listening on the daily commute!

Murder Madness

(5 Sterne)

Good read. Funplot and story taking place in South America. Classic good vs evil with a touch of romance thrown in , positioned in the early days of flying with good descriptive passages of the Amazon Forest region. Satisfying climax and conclusion. Thanks!

Fun Pulpy Tale

(4 Sterne)

The leaders in Latin America are being poisoned with some deadly Amazonian nastiness that causes the victim's hands to writhe, and then causes the victim to become a homicidal maniac. A mysterious madmen known as The Master is responsible. Can a lone lowly employee of the US State Department stop the MURDER MADNESS? Pulp writing so often dashes the hopes raised by the outrageous covers of the magazines through 5 cents a word verbosity and cliches and coincidences. This one, on the other hand, is a good story, told at a breathless pace that makes the compilation of improbabilities very easy to take. (Only one coincidence really galls.) The story also generates a nice sense of paranoia -- our hero literally cannot trust anyone safely -- that keeps the suspense level high. I found this one good for my 45 minute commutes. It features a somewhat bland reader -- but the blandness works well for this story, when another reader would have been tempted to take it well over the top.

Okay storyline, excellent reader

(4 Sterne)

I am a fan of Murray Leinster, so this story was a bit of a disappointment. The hero seems to narrowly escape death through far-fetched situations, and given the number of cities under the control of the antagonist, well, it seems also far-fetched that it would be so easy to stop the bad guy. It was an okay story, so I would still recommend it, but be prepared to suspend reality and just go along for the ride. I like RK's reading style, so I look for his books. 5 stars for the reader, but 3 for the book. Averaging it to 4.

Reader takes the pleasure away

(2,5 Sterne)

This book really sounds interesting, but for the life of me I cannot hear anything but the reader’s intonation; ending every sentence as was it the last in a chapter. Book really begins well, and I only hope that others will not find the reading being disturbing, or that another reader will try his luck.

I'm a fan of Murray but ...

(3 Sterne)

I stayed with this but found it hard going, I can't quite say why. It seemed overly focused on minutiae but somehow lacking in the main storyline. Not his best work as far as I'm concerned.

And not even scifi!

(5 Sterne)

Fascinating adventure with spies, ring of bad guys, politics, and everyday people caught in the cracks. All taking place in relatively contemporary South America

Great story

(5 Sterne)

It's a fine story, well told. Some of the attitudes feel awfully dated to modern sensibilities, but, looking around them, it's a great adventure story.