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Gelesen von Chere Theriot

(4,252 Sterne; 604 Bewertungen)

Anthem is a dystopic science fiction story taking place at some unspecified future date. Mankind has entered another dark age as a result of what Rand saw as the weaknesses of socialistic thinking and economics. Technological advancement is now carefully planned (when it is allowed to occur, if at all) and the concept of individuality has been eliminated (for example, the word "I" has disappeared from the language). As is common in her work, Rand draws a clear distinction between the "socialist/communal" values of equality and brotherhood and the "productive/capitalist" values of achievement and individuality. The story also parallels Stalinist Russia, which was currently going on at the time as the story was published. (Summary from Wikipedia) (2 hr 11 min)


Chapter 01


Read by Chere Theriot

Chapter 02


Read by Chere Theriot

Chapter 03


Read by Chere Theriot

Chapter 04


Read by Chere Theriot

Chapter 05


Read by Chere Theriot

Chapter 06


Read by Chere Theriot

Chapter 07


Read by Chere Theriot

Chapter 08


Read by Chere Theriot

Chapter 09


Read by Chere Theriot

Chapter 10


Read by Chere Theriot

Chapter 11


Read by Chere Theriot

Chapter 12


Read by Chere Theriot


Such An Inspiring Story!

(5 Sterne)

This is scathing indictment of the destructive power of collectivism. One of Ayn Rand's best books, it is the story of the struggle of an single individual human mind born into a stale and dead collective society. The hero is a breath of fresh air. It is read well by a female reader and it is written in a clean, simple and appealing style. Highly Recommended!

Very Nice

(5 Sterne)

The narration was really wonderful. I try not to complain when readers do a poor job, (free after all) but I definately like to point out when someone does such an excellent job of it. I felt that the somewhat monotone reading was actually perfect for the content and character, and she did use some inflections at key points. Again, nice work.

Not bad.

(3 Sterne)

Rand's (little known?) dystopian vision benefits from a female reader whose occasional monotones perfectly suit the somnambulistic society she is describing, while she understanderbly saves the most committed reading to the best chapter (11) and its decrying the "monster of 'we' ". However a lot of what is heard here is rather laboured and elements of Rands's plot development are frankly unbelievable (if this matters to the reader given the genre). Rand's depressing world is not, ultimately that different from others and less powerful than many, while the reintroduction of self-centeredness into the world is perhaos not wholly so worthy as she suggests. The extended use of the third person prose has some power however, which lifts things somewhat above typical pulp prose. Moments of sadism stand out (the naked whipping against the post). The reader is good, with pleasing voice, although there are occasional falters and uncertainties.

I like it so far. wow! a little confusing.

(4 Sterne)

It may be science fiction, but this is exactly what is happening to America and other countries today. “ It is a sin to write this “ because they don’t have freedom of speech. That is what is happening to us attacking freedom of speech, want us living in fear, and uneducated like in this book. I am definitely going to finish it. I would like if her other books(Atlas Shrugged and The Red Pawn I.e.) were on here to listen.

recording is a bit Disturbed at the beginning, overall a good re

(3 Sterne)

I have a strong feeling that George Orwell 1984 was highly inspired by anthem , regardless i like 1984 and other anti communist books by george Orwell better they usually have a great but sad ending unlike this book which seems to uncover the happy ending from the 9th chapter , which made me zoon out. In my eyes, this will forever be the book that inspired dystopian anti - communist régime novels

(2 Sterne)

Well, this counts as the first time I’ve been able to complete an Ayn Rand book (she’s an infamously dreadful writer.) This is not thanks to the reader. Ms. Theriot gave it her all, but her reading is wooden, awkward, halting, and sophomoric, without a real feeling for the text. It kept reminding me of students reading in a classroom, on orders. I only now notice there are five other versions available. I suggest checking those out first.

A Misguided Story

(2 Sterne)

its pretty good i will not lie but the negative view of collectiviesm is misguided and preaches about its flaws as if collectivism was a boogy man to be feared. He also makes a nod to himself calling himself a champion which is just egotistical but thats the point of the book, to only care about yourself.


(4 Sterne)

It not only makes you think about what a world without feelings, thoughts, and emotions would, be like but also gives you an appreciation for the world we live in. It's a good story but the reader however wasn't very consistent and didn't have a natural flow whilst reading the book. It didn't make it unbearable though.