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The Journey of Coronado

Gelesen von Sue Anderson

(4,514 Sterne; 36 Bewertungen)

In 1540, Francisco Vásquez de Coronado led an army from Mexico is search of the fabled golden cities of Cíbola. The Spaniards found no riches—instead, the Grand Canyon, the vast buffalo plains, and the pueblos of Zuni and Pecos. The narratives in this volume are all first-hand accounts of the Coronado expedition--raw, gripping, spirit-stirring--translated from the Spanish by George Parker Winship. The primary account was written by Pedro de Castañeda, a soldier in Coronado’s army. Letters from Coronado to the viceroy of Mexico and the Spanish king are also included. (Summary by Sue Anderson) (7 hr 8 min)


00 - Introduction by George Parker Winship


Read by Sue Anderson

01 - Preface; Part 1, Chs. 1-3


Read by Sue Anderson

02 - Part 1, Chs. 4-8


Read by Sue Anderson

03 - Part 1, Chs. 9-10


Read by Sue Anderson

04 - Part 1, Chs. 11-13


Read by Sue Anderson

05 - Part 1, Chs. 14-16


Read by Sue Anderson

06 - Part 1, Chs. 17-20


Read by Sue Anderson

07 - Part 1, Chs. 21-22


Read by Sue Anderson

08 - Part 2, Chs. 1-3


Read by Sue Anderson

09 - Part 2, Chs. 4-6


Read by Sue Anderson

10 - Part 2, Chs. 7-8


Read by Sue Anderson

11 - Part 3, Chs. 1-3


Read by Sue Anderson

12 - Part 3, Chs. 4-7


Read by Sue Anderson

13 - Part 3, Chs. 8-9


Read by Sue Anderson

14 - Mendoza to the King, April 17, 1540


Read by Sue Anderson

15 - Coronado to Mendoza, August 3, 1540, Parts 1-2


Read by Sue Anderson

16 - Coronado to Mendoza, August 3, 1540, Parts 3-4


Read by Sue Anderson

17 - Traslado de las Nuevas, Anonymous


Read by Sue Anderson

18 - Relacion del Suceso, Anonymous


Read by Sue Anderson

19 - Coronado to the King, October 20, 1541


Read by Sue Anderson

20 - Narrative of Jaramillo


Read by Sue Anderson

21 - Report of Hernando de Alvarado


Read by Sue Anderson

22 - Testimony Concerning Those Who Went on the Expedition


Read by Sue Anderson


(4 Sterne)

Sue Anderson is a great reader - one of my favorites on LibriVox. This is a good, but not great book. The writing is a bit self-righteous, and the later parts containing the direct correspondence of Coronado and others from the period during the expedition is practically insufferable in its humble-bragging and false flattery. Again, context makes that understandable I guess. It is a bit repetitive, giving similar accounts over and over. On the other hand it's an account of an expedition, so it describes what they were encountering. Shackleton's Antarctic book is somewhat repetitious too, but I liked that a lot. All in all this is fine though, especially if, like me, you enjoy the travel and expedition genre. Sue is great but the text not the most riveting, so I have it 4 stars.

A comedy of errors, but an amazing journey

(5 Sterne)

Hoodwinked at every turn, Coronado gets led on the most epic goose chase in history, giving first accounts of many species and locations that are common names today. Beautifully voiced, thank you.


(5 Sterne)

Great first person account of the exploration of what would become the United States and of the original inhabitants. Great listen!