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To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation

Gelesen von Jonathan Lange

(4,979 Sterne; 24 Bewertungen)

Early in the course of the Reformation (1520) Martin Luther penned a trilogy of foundational documents addressing the German Nobility, the Church and the Christian. "To the Christian Nobility" appeared first. In it, Luther identifies and attacks the three walls with which the papacy insulates itself from reformation. Next, he discusses three areas that need to be addressed by a council. Finally, he offers 27 articles respecting reforms needed in Christendom. (Summary by Jonathan Lange) (3 hr 11 min)


Dedicatory Letter & Introduction


Read by Jonathan Lange

I: The Three Walls of the Romanists


Read by Jonathan Lange

II: Of the Matters to be Considered in the Councils


Read by Jonathan Lange

III: 27 Articles respecting the Reformation: 1-12


Read by Jonathan Lange

III: 27 Articles respecting the Reformation: 13-19


Read by Jonathan Lange

III: 27 Articles respecting the Reformation: 20-24


Read by Jonathan Lange

III: 27 Articles respecting the Reformation: 25-27


Read by Jonathan Lange



(5 Sterne)

Excellent work of prophetical proportions. Every Christian that seeks to genuinely worship Christ in spirit and truth should listen to these works of Martin Luther. His genius in these writings, during an age of utter ecclesiastical darkness (1520's), can be nothing less than from above.


(5 Sterne)

very well read audiobook of this important text

good book well read

(5 Sterne)

good book well read