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Mr. Standfast

Gelesen von Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

(4,668 Sterne; 304 Bewertungen)

This is the third of Buchan's Richard Hannay novels, following The Thirty-nine Steps and Greenmantle. Set, like Greenmantle, during World War I, it deals Brigadier-General Hannay's recall from the Western Front, to engage in espionage, and forced (much to his chagrin) to pose as a pacifist. He becomes a South African conscientious objector, using the name Cornelius Brand. Under the orders of his spymaster, Sir Walter Bullivant, he travels in the book through England to Scotland, back to the Western Front, and ultimately, for the book's denouement, into the Alps. Those who know Greenmantle will meet some old friends again here, including Bullivant, the American John Blenkiron, the South African Peter Pienaar and others.

To quote Hannay's contemporary, Sherlock Holmes, “The game's afoot!” How will it come out? And though Hannay is no James Bond, might he perhaps be a literary ancestor of Ian Fleming's Agent Double-O Seven? Judge for yourself.

There are also a fair number of unpronounceable Gaelic names. A further warning: this book was published in 1919 and it reflects a certain number of standards and mores of the day. It is by no means free of racist remarks and attitudes, and it is quite clear that Hannay has no use for pacifists, socialists, feminists, overly intellectual professors, and so forth. How far Hannay's fictional views mirror those of Buchan himself, I could not possibly say. Buchan of course went on to become first Baron Tweedsmuir, and Governor-General of Canada from 1935 until his death in 1940 (if you go to his Wikipedia site, you can see him very unhappily attired in a Native American headdress. President Calvin Coolidge, photographed the same way in 1927, looked equally unhappy).
(Introduction by Nicholas Clifford) (11 hr 52 min)


01 - The Wicket-Gate


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

02 - The Village Named Morality


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

03 - The Reflections of a Cured Dyspeptic


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

04 - Andrew Amos


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

05 - Various Doings in the West


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

06 - The Skirts of the Coolin


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

07 - I Hear of the Wild Birds


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

08 - The Adventures of a Bagman


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

09 - I Take the Wings of a Dove


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

10 - The Advantages of an Air Raid


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

11 - The Valley of Humiliation


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

12 - I Become a Combatant Once More


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

13 - The Adventure of the Picardy Chateau


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

14 - Mr. Blenkiron Discourses on Love and War


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

15 - St. Anton


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

16 - I Lie on a Hard Bed


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

17 - The Col of the Swallows


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

18 - The Underground Railway


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

19 - The Cage of the Wild Birds


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

20 - The Storm Breaks in the West


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

21 - How an Exile Returned to His Own People


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

22 - The Summons Comes for Mr. Standfast


Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)


(5 Sterne)

A rip roaring tale beautifully read.

Best John Buchan novel of all!

(5 Sterne)

This makes the fourth Buchan book I have listened to, and it is by far the best. The story line is clear and the characters are very well defined and made more human. I thought there seemed to be more emotion put into these characters than in any of the other books. The reader did a fine job, pleasant voice, great pace, and excellent pronunciation of the foreign words. The loyalty and affection Hannay and Peter had for one another was what made this story so touching all the way to the end. I highly recommend this book to anyone.

Thrilling Conclusion to a Fantastic Trilogy

(5 Sterne)

Loved the last installment of Hannay's adventures! As someone else said, this reader did so well you didn't really notice him! I wish he and the reader of Greenmantle Version 2 could agree on the pronunciation of "Blenkiron" - it was hard for me to get used to a name that seemed totally new, but was really the same character. Great, strong female lead as well which is refreshing for a book of this age and type! All around, very enjoyable!

(5 Sterne)

First of all, the reader brings the exciting pace to the listener. His clear speaking and correct pronunciation of the words makes the book a pleasure. I came upon this series of books by accident when I started checking out books turned into movies. And I have found the movies so different that reading the written stories are so much better. While each is a stand alone, Mr. Standfast is to completion of the tale, like icing on a cake

Mr. Standfast

(5 Sterne)

Well read; Excellent story (3rd in the series). Stands on it's own; detailed sketches of life from roaming Scotland to the Alp regions of Italy and Switzerland to the harrowing mental anguish of the French located trench warfare; with a love story intertwined and the intrigue of a spy story. Ending in a bitter sweet finale. Thanks!

what a rousing war story, a real soldiers tale. full of action, sentiment, fo…

(5 Sterne)

A rousing WWI War story. A top soldiers tale. But highly interesting, even for a civilian. It had all the plus's, a good story line, riveting battle scenes, & a peep at the actions of the higher Brass, a General's story.

Mr. Standfast by Joihn Buchan. Read by Nicholas Clifford

(5 Sterne)

Exciting story. Very well read by Nicholas Clifford who did real justice to the non-English languages. Most readers would have oiver-anglucised the French and German. Mr Clifford paid proper tribute to them both. The pace was good and the voice pitch easy on the ear.


(5 Sterne)

Mr. Standfast is undoubtably my new favorite Hannay book. I loved the addition of Mary Lamington, and the plot was fantastic. Not to mention, Mr. Clifford was a very talented reader! All in all a fun, enjoyable book with some interesting things to think about.