The Fall of the Nibelungs
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Unknowntranslated Bymargaret Armour and Translated Bymargaret Armour

"The Fall of the Nibelungs" is Margaret Armour's plain prose translation from the middle high German of the "Nibelungenlied", a poetic saga of uncertain authorship written about the year 1200. The story is believed by many to be based on the destruction of the Burgundians, a Germanic tribe, in 436 by mercenary Huns recruited for the task by the Roman general Flavius Aëtius. The introduction to the 1908 edition summarizes the story, "And so 'the discord of two women,' to quote Carlyle, 'is as a little spark of evil passion, which ere long enlarges itself into a crime; foul murder is done; and now the sin rolls on like a devouring fire, till the guilty and the innocent are alike encircled with it, and a whole land is ashes, and a whole race is swept away.'", a story not for the faint of heart. Summary by Phil Schempf.
Dedicated proof-listeners: Carolin Ksr & DaveC (7 hr 41 min)
Appears to be in short stanzas or couplets

Text should be accomanied by a college beginning level analysis of the poetic structure for novices.