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Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Gelesen von Annie Coleman Rothenberg

(4,647 Sterne; 382 Bewertungen)

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) by Mark Twain is one of the truly great American novels, beloved by children, adults, and literary critics alike. The book tells the story of “Huck” Finn (first introduced as Tom Sawyer’s sidekick in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer), his friend Jim, and their journey down the Mississippi River on a raft. Both are on the run, Huck from his drunk and abusive father, and Jim as a runaway slave.

As Huck and Jim drift down the river, they meet many colorful characters and have many great adventures. The true heart of the story, however, is the friendship between Huck and Jim. A constant theme throughout the book is Huck’s internal struggle between what he has been taught, that helping a runaway slave is a sin, and what he truly believes, that Jim is a good man and it couldn’t possibly be wrong to help him.

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was unique at the time of its publication (1884) because it is narrated by Huck himself and is written in the numerous dialects common in the area and time in which the book is set. Although the book was originally intended as a sequel to the children’s book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, as Twain wrote Adventures of Huckleberry Finn it progressed into a more serious work. Twain’s views on slavery and other social issues of the time become clear through the words, thoughts, and actions of Huck Finn. The book has always been the subject of great controversy, and according to The American Library Association it was fifth on the list of most frequently challenged books in the 1990s.
(Summary by Annie Coleman) (10 hr 42 min)


Chapter 01


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 02


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 03


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 04


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 05


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 06


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 07


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 08


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 09


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 10


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 11


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 12


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 13


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 14


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 15


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 16


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 17


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 18


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 19


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 20


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 21


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 22


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 23


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 24


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 25


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 26


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 27


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 28


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 29


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 30


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 31


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 32


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 33


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 34


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 35


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 36


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 37


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 38


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 39


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 40


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 41


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter 42


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg

Chapter the Last


Read by Annie Coleman Rothenberg


I'm so excited about this and that is the only thing that would make it a lot o…

(4 Sterne)

People that don't mean I have no clue who I was in my room for a long way in which a man with my family and friends of friends with a few weeks and months and it will take the bus and the rest of my life and the other hand is the only thing that would make it a lot of fun to use it for me and you

Please read this and then listen you will be very pleased with your choice

(5 Sterne)

This is one of the best readings any book that I have had the pleasure to listen to Miss Coleman‘s voice is that of a prepubescent young man she does a wonderful job and I recommend her reading of Huckleberry Finn to you without reservation you will be very happy and satisfied

Crazy Good

(5 Sterne)

this recording really helped me read the book, other wise i probably would have used spark notes which is ok but i still woulnt have read the book. Annie does a great job of reading the book, by speaking with the acents and differnt voices for differnt charaters, which made it really enjoyable to listen to.

a great book , and i have to say thé reading made it even better

(5 Sterne)

a great book , and i have to say thé reading made it even better, the vernacular languages and the imitation of each accent made it so lively, great work thank you very much.

(5 Sterne)

The best read Librivox recording I have ever heard-thank you so much Annie your reading made me feel I was part of the story. If you read any more, make a big post and I’ll read it! Again, thank you so very much.


(5 Sterne)

One of the best audiobooks I've ever listened too (and probably the best within 'home made' category). Very lively and authentic reading. Suits the stery extremely well. Big thanks to Annie!

(5 Sterne)

I really luv listening 2 dis book and Ann of green gable

absolutely loved it.

(5 Sterne)

I enjoyed this book and the lessons the author has hidden in them, wonderfully read, a thumbs up to Annie Colman. I highly suggest this book, Huck is a fun Character and so where most of the Characters in the book, I like Mark Twain’s use of accent (always has been the master of the art). I have started a few books here and there and given up on them at the very start, this goes for books like “Redwall”, or “The Hobbit,” I have finished “The hobbit” but it took me a while to get warmed up to it, Huckleberry Finn was great right from the start, the time in which it takes place is right after the book Tom Sawyer (also a wonderful book). To whoever reads this, I highly suggest the read