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De Profundis (version 2)

Gelesen von AdamH

(4,556 Sterne; 27 Bewertungen)

This is a letter written from prison in 1897 by Oscar Wilde to Lord Alfred Douglas, in which he recounts how he came to be in prison and charts his spiritual development. (summary by AdamH) (1 hr 46 min)


1 - Part 1


Read by AdamH

2 - Part 2


Read by AdamH

3 - Part 3


Read by AdamH

4 - Part 4


Read by AdamH


diffeent edition

(0 Sterne)

to quote the blurb that came with the text "Transcribed from the 1913 Methuen & Co. edition Note that later editions of De Profundis contained more material. The most complete editions are still in copyright in the U.S.A." So that's all we can legally do. Anne

(5 Sterne)

I love this text so much. it examines nature, society, religion and fate with such beauty. I also adored this person's voice, they realy captivated the core of this book

(5 Sterne)

This is a deep look at suffering. I loved the third chapter. Really good stuff. I'll probably listen again or read it at some point. It's one to think on.

(5 Sterne)

A beautiful, soulful text, beautifully read. Thank you to both Oscar and Adam, from a lonely student in Paris.

(5 Sterne)

What an absolutely BRILLIANT reading, thank you so much

(5 Sterne)

Amazing, about to listen to it all over again.

Missing portion

(2 Sterne)

Part 4 is missing 15 pages worth of De Profundis. Well read, but not complete.