The Big Time
Gelesen von Karen Savage
Fritz Leiber

A classic locked room mystery, in a not-so-classic setting. (Intro by Karen Savage) (3 hr 43 min)
A rip-roarer of a tale by one of SF's masters

Lieber is best known for his Fafhrd and the Grey Mouser series, but his other works are equally good. How the copyright lapsed on this one I can't imagine, but to hear it read by the vastly talented Karen Savage has been a privilege I intend to repeat. She does Jane Austen just as well, which amazes me. From party girl to upper-crust British lady without a hitch. Go figure.
The Big Time
Spooky Toast

A great scifi story by its own means, but Karen's reading breathea life into the story and makes it very enjoyable to listen to.
I found I had to concentrate to follow.
Rik Back

excellent book excellent reader thank you Karen

I didn't like this story at all, the first three chapters were all over the place, introducing just too much material and too many plot points. I got annoyed with the story very fast. The reader is excellent, she always does a great job with her books, I just didn't care for how this story was set up. Story - 1 Reader - 5 Overall (average) = 3
aj Patto

not a bad story it was loosing me a bit but still worth a listen
pretty good reading

some of the team read books are unlistenable, but when you get one good reader to do a whole book it really elevates the story. i like the premise of this book. it may take some reflection to figure out if i liked the story, buy it is still worth a listen for the performance alone

not your usual sf story...much deeper. The idea of a time war, different powers fighting to change the Events of the past to their advantages is most unique, the different voices tremendously read with different accents by one of my favorite readers...thx a lot! Looking forward to know more by this author!
well read but odd story

I found the first couple of chapters quite slow going. I really enjoyed the world building that was going on. When the plot gets moving, it gets interesting! It’s an odd story and one I am glad that I persevered with.