Bible (KJV) 18: Job (Dramatic Reading)
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King James Version

The Book of Job is one of the books of the Hebrew Bible. It relates the story of Job, his trials at the hands of Satan, his theological discussions with friends on the origins and nature of his suffering, his challenge to God, and finally a response from God. The Book itself comprises a didactic poem set in a prose framing device and has been called "the most profound and literary work of the entire Old Testament". The Book itself and its numerous exegeses are attempts to address the problem of evil. (Introduction from Wikipedia)
(2 hr 4 min)
Avid Listener

The idea of dramatizing this difficult and sometimes tedious book helped bring it to life clearly. It is a shame, however, that the voice of Satan sounded more like a bashful schoolboy trying to recite lines thanthe haughty, proud, and malicious "father of lies."
Beautiful Book To Know
Vince Willard

Beautiful Book To Know Me & My Wife Are Listening To It And Enjoying It When Life Teaching.You Patience Thank Alto Has Great Wording Just Like The Bible A Great Way Thank Author For The Book

I have listened to Dramatisation version and after this one version 2 and it is obvious Version 2 is better in every way! Maybe people are trying too hard to sound someone they are not.
The Book Of Job Another Great Books
Vince Willard

I Listen With My Android Phone And My Wireless Headphones Thanks Author For Making Another Great Book
Great book well/performed
Dr. A

Sometimes a little difficult to hear, this is yet a very rewarding performance to take in.

slightly bizarre approach, the main text is machine read and all the other parts are dramatically done
Bible (KJV) 18: Job Another Greatest Books of the Bible I listen
Vince Willard

I love dramatic reading.. made it more alive