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Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad

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(4,382 Sterne; 72 Bewertungen)

Aunt Jane's Nieces Abroad is the second of the ten book series of Aunt Jane's Nieces. The story continues with the three much loved girls - the sweet and generous Patsy, the cunning Louise, and the sullen Beth. This time they're on a tour of Europe with their down-to-earth uncle John Merrick.

The benevolent uncle and his nieces meet mysterious and sinister Victor Valdi, his daughter Tato, and a pretend nobleman, Count Ferralti, who fancies Louise. The story revolves around travel and kidnapping, and the subsequent adventures of the three young girls, told in Baum's own inimitable style that keeps us at the edge of our seats. (Summary by Neeru Iyer) (6 hr 15 min)


01 - Prefatory; The Doyles are Astonished


Read by margo zinberg

02 - Uncle John Makes Plans


Read by margo zinberg

03 - "All Ashore!"


Read by Bridget Gaige

04 - Some New Acquaintances and a Warning


Read by Bridget Gaige

05 - Vesuvius Rampant


Read by Diana Majlinger

06 - Under a Cloud


Read by Robert Parker

07 - A Friend in Need


Read by Chelsea Baker

08 - Across the Bay


Read by Chelsea Baker

09 - Count Ferralti


Read by Luigina

10 - The Road to Amalfi


Read by bj

11 - The Eagle Screams


Read by Robert Parker

12 - Moving on


Read by Robert Parker

13 - "Il Duca"


Read by Phil Griffiths

14 - Uncle John Disappears


Read by Phil Griffiths

15 - Days of Anxiety


Read by margo zinberg

16 - Tato


Read by margo zinberg

17 - The Hidden Valley


Read by Phil Griffiths

18 - The Guests of the Brigand


Read by Phil Griffiths

19 - A Difficult Position


Read by Bridget Gaige

20 - Uncle John Plays Eavesdropper


Read by Bridget Gaige

21 - The Pit


Read by Phil Griffiths

22 - News at Last


Read by Phil Griffiths

23 - Beth Begins to Plot


Read by Bridget Gaige

24 - Patsy's New Friend


Read by Bridget Gaige

25 - Turning the Tables


Read by Chelsea Baker

26 - The Count Unmasks


Read by Bridget Gaige

27 - Tato is Adopted


Read by Chelsea Baker

28 - Dreams and Dress-making


Read by Bridget Gaige

29 - Tato Wins


Read by Elli

30 - A Way to Forget


Read by Chelsea Baker

31 - Safe Home


Read by Diana Majlinger


(5 Sterne)

I love the book. I just don’t understand why there has to be such a mixture of readers. Why can’t the foreign voices all be on one book? It’s frustrating to be able to understand some so well and then not understand some at all....

Interesting tale, perhaps not realistic, but fun

(5 Sterne)

Enjoyed this 2nd book of the Aunt Jane’s Nieces series. Several reviewers have had trouble with the readers with accents. I have not found the accents to be troublesome. On the contrary I have enjoyed them. The problem I found in the readers was the man who shouted every word in such a dramatic way. Fortunately he only read a few chapters. Not really a suitable voice for this type of story.

(4 Sterne)

Great book and exciting story. I gave it 4 stars only because of one unfortunate circumstance. One reader had a very strong German accent. She sounded very sweet and beautiful, but it was hard to understand her. I'm sure she will get better over time, but I was disappointed because I truly wanted to understand that chapter. I hope this read continues to practice. Keep going sweetheart English is a hard language to learn.

(4 Sterne)

enjoyed the story, but if there's any way to redo the chapter containing tatos letter, please do so! it was extremely hard or impossible to understand! also the accents when speaking of a French character took away from the story. but a lot of the readers did a great job! thank you.

Book content and readers

(4 Sterne)

There is alot going on in this book, almost too much. Chapter 29 is read by a lady with a VERY heavy French sounding accent and it is high pitched. It was almost impossible to make sense of. I had to settle for the main jist of it.

(3,5 Sterne)

Story was very good and would have been a five but for the reading of chapter 29. It was an important chapter and I only got the jist of it as the reader’s accent was too heavy to be understood. This was terribly disappointing!

great book

(5 Sterne)

I was a little disappointed by some readers,mainly because the parts that were more interesting like the letter of Tato was read so terribly ,I couldn't understand not even a word .

(3 Sterne)

I like the book, but some readers had such heavy foreign accents that it was hard to understand. Chapter 29 was the worst!