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In His Steps

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(4,723 Sterne; 110 Bewertungen)

In His Steps takes place in the railroad town of Raymond. The main character is the Rev. Henry Maxwell, pastor of the First Church of Raymond, who challenges his congregation to not do anything for a whole year without first asking: “What Would Jesus Do?” (taken from Wikipedia) (7 hr 8 min)


01 - Chapter 1


Read by Megan Kunkel

02 - Chapter 2


Read by TriciaG

03 - Chapter 3


Read by von

04 - Chapter 4


Read by von

05 - Chapter 5


Read by von

06 - Chapter 6


Read by von

07 - Chapter 7


Read by von

08 - Chapter 8


Read by von

09 - Chapter 9


Read by von

10 - Chapter 10


Read by von

11 - Chapter 11


Read by von

12 - Chapter 12


Read by Amy Benton

13 - Chapter 13


Read by Magdalena

14 - Chapter 14


Read by Magdalena

15 - Chapter 15


Read by BookAngel7

16 - Chapter 16


Read by johnell

17 - Chapter 17


Read by smhamon

18 - Chapter 18


Read by johnell

19 - Chapter 19


Read by MaryAnn

20 - Chapter 20


Read by MaryAnn

21 - Chapter 21


Read by Amy Benton

22 - Chapter 22


Read by Amy Benton

23 - Chapter 23


Read by smhamon

24 - Chapter 24


Read by smhamon

25 - Chapter 25


Read by smhamon

26 - Chapter 26


Read by smhamon

27 - Chapter 27


Read by smhamon

28 - Chapter 28


Read by smhamon

29 - Chapter 29


Read by smhamon

30 - Chapter 30


Read by smhamon

31 - Chapter 31


Read by smhamon


In His Steps left me speechless....

(5 Sterne)

This wonderful book changed my life. In all of the fifteen years I have lived on this earth I have never listened to such a convicting and beautiful audio!!!! Left me utterly speechless! Chapter after chapter, I could not stop listening to this incredible novel! Such a splendid read filled with convicting and heartwarming stories of men and women living out the words 'What would Jesus do?' Throughout this book the men and women that have vowed to follow the words 'what would Jesus do' for an entire year use their gifts, talents, jobs, income, place in society and line of work to point others to Christ. In this deep and inspiring novel street beggars, drunkards and dwellers of the wretched tenants ask the pastor and the church why the wealthy people of the town can sing the words 'All for Jesus' and not truly carry the cross with them all the way. Are Christ and His cross too heavy for them? Do they truly mean 'I will follow Jesus all the way' or do they merely want the respect of a common churchgoer? Is Christ a part of their Sunday routine or their entire lives? Furthermore the lost, confused and unsaved people ask what Jesus would do in their positions as low-class street beggars. I was so very moved by this book I cannot explain how I feel. It is almost as if Christ, through Charles M. Sheldon's book, has lit a match in my heart and started a fire for Christ and His lost and broken people. As Ronald Reagan would say 'If you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat'. As you partake in this audiobook may the light of Christ heat a fire in your soul as it did my own. Thank you LibriVox for this arrangement of cast and their voices. Lastly, I must ask this question to you readers: What would Jesus do?

(4 Sterne)

This is a great story. Very thought provoking. What would Jesus do is a question all christians should always be asking themselves. Just how dedicated are we to following Christ. Are we really ready and willing to suffer for the cross each one of us is to bare. Is Christ asking too much from us? We say we want to be more like Christ, but do we really? If we truly want to go to heaven then the answer should be yes.

In His Steps

(5 Sterne)

A reading for all ages. I read it sixty years apart and celebrated Jesus Christ each time. I heartily recommend it to everyone at any age; more especially, if you love God. Dr. Wooten

(3,5 Sterne)

Inspiring story; however, the majority of the book was difficult to enjoy since the reader "Von" spoke much too quickly & read without feeling. I would love to hear a well-read dramatized version.

(4 Sterne)

very moving story I read it I started to think about the ways I need to change in my life and do them how Jesus would..

(5 Sterne)

Awesome story! A great challenge to the Christians of today!!

Don't read if you don't want to be challenged

(5 Sterne)

I knew I was in trouble early on. Though the story and characters are wonderful, I don't believe the author's goal was to write an entertaining story. From early on in the book, it started to be apparent that I needed to ask myself, was I living this kind of life? When the answer was 'not always'', the next question was 'why'? The rest of the book, as each character overcame their own objections, served simply to ask the reader, 'You see this can be fine, right? So why aren't you doing it?' The story was well written and entertaining throughout. My only complaint is that there were 4 or 5 different readers. That was fine except the one who read the most, didn't observe punctuation. He read it as one long, run on sentence. Even including the 'end of chapter #'. The only pause seemed to be to take a quick breath in order to continue.

(3,5 Sterne)

Yes, this is a great book. However, oftentimes the reader is reading too fast. I found myself ‘concentrating’ just to hear what was being said, instead of focusing on the content of what was being said. Unfortunately, this made the audio of this book less enjoyable than when I read the text a few years ago.