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Ester Ried

Gelesen von TriciaG

(4,735 Sterne; 245 Bewertungen)

Authored by Isabella M. Alden under the pen name "Pansy."
Ester Ried's life is a dull monotony of toiling at her family's boardinghouse. She's overworked, jealous and cranky, a poor example of a Christian to her family and associates. She awakens to a new attitude and commitment due to an extended visit with her cousin. (Summary written by Tricia G)

Next book in series: Julia Ried (7 hr 16 min)


01 - Ester's Home


Read by TriciaG

02 - What Sadie Thought


Read by TriciaG

03 - Florence Vane


Read by TriciaG

04 - The Sunday Lesson


Read by TriciaG

05 - The Poor Little Fish


Read by TriciaG

06 - Something Happens


Read by TriciaG

07 - Journeying


Read by TriciaG

08 - Journey's End


Read by TriciaG

09 - Cousin Abbie


Read by TriciaG

10 - Ester's Minister


Read by TriciaG

11 - The New Boarder


Read by TriciaG

12 - Three People


Read by TriciaG

13 - The Strange Christian


Read by TriciaG

14 - The Little Card


Read by TriciaG

15 - What Is The Difference?


Read by TriciaG

16 - A Victory


Read by TriciaG

17 - Stepping Between


Read by TriciaG

18 - Light Out Of Darkness


Read by TriciaG

19 - Sundries


Read by TriciaG

20 - At Home


Read by TriciaG

21 - Tested


Read by TriciaG

22 - "Little Plum Pies"


Read by TriciaG

23 - Crosses


Read by TriciaG

24 - God's Way


Read by TriciaG

25 - Sadie Surrounded


Read by TriciaG

26 - Confusion - Cross-Bearing - Consequence


Read by TriciaG

27 - The Time To Sleep


Read by TriciaG

28 - At Last


Read by TriciaG


Wonderful Story of True Salvation & a Faithful Testimony

(5 Sterne)

A beautiful story of a young woman with godly parents who inaccurately considered herself a Christian as a matter of course. When she visited her cousin, she discovered what true salvation could do in a life surrendered to Jesus. This story also deals with the theme of one's influence on others in this life. Also reading what one sows. Well worth the listen! A story every young person (& even older ones) should listen to or find the book & read it yourself. This would be a great book to read aloud to your family, especially if you have preteens or teenagers.

(4,5 Sterne)

These stories by Pansy offer tools, offer applications of living IN grace, and WITH grace, in such a way that we can better see how we might “press toward the mark”. Many thanks to LibriVox for your collective gift of the past….. to the present and the future. And many thanks to the devotion-inspired and incredibly dedicated narrator from Canada. Your voice changes over the years, yet your spirit burns steady and clear. May my words of thanks represent the many who will grow from your gifts, but who have not the words, the voice, or the time to respond here.

Great Book, Great Reader!

(5 Sterne)

This has been a wonderful companion as I wake through Nairobi traffic. I have enjoyed it immensely. I highly recommend this book. It has encouraged me to develop a heart for the lost, to pray for the salvation of those around me, and to strive to be salt and light in this sick and dying world. oh the joys of those who know Him!

Refreshing Christian series

(5 Sterne)

Thanks to Tricia G and Librivox for bringing this series to us. Very great Christian series very great reading by TriciaG as always. Story of life as it once was for young woman in america, and their victories and their suffering. A real roller coaster ride with a unexpected ending for me. Enjoy!

personal retreat in 7 Hours and 16 minutes

(5 Sterne)

Pansy books are just so REAL. They are proof positive that there is nothing new under the sun. as for me, this Ester Ried is like aattending a spiritual retreat: I am a Martha (Ester) by bent, and strive so much to be more like Mary... (2/2019)

moving and edifying.

(5 Sterne)

How this should stir us up and motivate us not to be content with a half hearted Christian life! The results will doubtless be deadly.

Excellent Christian book!!!!!!

(5 Sterne)

Wonderful story of hearts and lives turning to Jesus. Never a dull moment in this book......never a dull moment following Jesus.♡

Truly Powerful.

(5 Sterne)

Oh that I could be more like Abbey Ried! The sweet, pure, trusting young woman who rests so fully in Christs protecting wing. From her happiest moment to that of deepest agony, she remained steadfast in prayer and the thought that “Our heavenly Father knoweth”. What an example! This book is eye opening, making you question: “How does my own comfortable Christian life measures up to Christ’s?”; “When was the last time I read consistently in my Bible?”; “Do l bring all my little perplexities—and triumphs—to Jesus?”; “Do I apply the question ‘What would Jesus do?’ to everything l do?” This book also encourages. With many helpful thoughts and verses, it is an illustration of the power and joy of true, Christian life. What are your thoughts?