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Gelesen von Mark F. Smith

(4,672 Sterne; 1246 Bewertungen)

David Balfour, a lad of seventeen and newly orphaned, is directed to go and live with his rich uncle, the master of the estate of Shaws in the lowlands of Scotland near Edinburgh. His uncle, Ebenezer (as close a miser as Dickens' Ebenezer Scrooge), is shocked to suddenly have his young relative descend on him and tries to rid himself of David with an arranged accident. Failing that, he pays the captain of a brig to kidnap David and sell him into slavery in Carolina.

A collision in the fog brings onboard the brig a survivor, Alan Breck Stewart, who is carrying a dangerous amount of gold on his person. David warns him of a plan by the brig's captain and crew to overpower him and seize the money, and then finds himself fighting alongside Alan in a battle royale. By good fortune, Alan is handy with a sword and they have access to the firearms locker, and the pair so completely defeat the crew that barely enough hands remain to sail her. Limping to port, she is holed by rocks, and David finds himself a castaway.

Being in Alan's presence continues to be a chancey business. David is talking to Colin Roy Campbell, the King's Factor who has been oppressing Alan's people, when the man is shot to death, and David is chased as an accomplice. The two "take to the heather" and barely survive near brushes with redcoats as they thread through the Trossachs and other highland ranges of Scotland. Only after an arduous weeks-long trek through territory where they are actively hunted do they emerge in the more settled districts around the river Forth, only to find guards upon the bridge. With no money remaining, they must somehow cross to Queensferry, find Ebenezer's lawyer, and lay claim to David's inheritance in order to send Alan safely on to France. (summary by Mark F. Smith) (8 hr 16 min)


Preface, Dedication, Disclaimer


Read by Mark F. Smith

I Journey to the House of Shaws


Read by Mark F. Smith

I Come to My Journey’s End


Read by Mark F. Smith

I Make Acquaintance of My Uncle


Read by Mark F. Smith

I Run a Great Danger in the House of Shaws


Read by Mark F. Smith

I Go to the Queen’s Ferry


Read by Mark F. Smith

What Befell at the Queen’s Ferry


Read by Mark F. Smith

I Go to Sea in the Brig


Read by Mark F. Smith

The Round House


Read by Mark F. Smith

The Man With the Belt of Gold


Read by Mark F. Smith

Siege of the Roundhouse


Read by Mark F. Smith

The Captain Knuckles Under


Read by Mark F. Smith

I Hear of the Red Fox


Read by Mark F. Smith

The Loss of the Brig


Read by Mark F. Smith

The Islet


Read by Mark F. Smith

The Lad With the Silver Button: Through the Isle of Mull


Read by Mark F. Smith

The Lad With the Silver Button: Across Morven


Read by Mark F. Smith

The Death of the Red Fox


Read by Mark F. Smith

Talk With Alan in the Wood of Lettermore


Read by Mark F. Smith

The House of Fear


Read by Mark F. Smith

The Flight in the Heather: The Rocks


Read by Mark F. Smith

The Heugh of Corrynakiegh


Read by Mark F. Smith

The Moor


Read by Mark F. Smith

Cluny’s Cage


Read by Mark F. Smith

The Quarrel


Read by Mark F. Smith

In Balquhidder


Read by Mark F. Smith

End of the Flight: We Pass the Forth


Read by Mark F. Smith

I Come to Mr. Rankeillor


Read by Mark F. Smith

I Go in Quest of my Inheritance


Read by Mark F. Smith

I Come Into My Kingdom


Read by Mark F. Smith



Read by Mark F. Smith



(5 Sterne)

One of my favorite books, I like books like this because they are exciting to read and listen to. Fun fact, Robert Louis Stevenson is a Poem righter also. Irina it is not by mark smith it is by Robert Louis Stevenson just saying because you probably didn’t know. Or I’m just confused lol. Im still listening but it is still a good book. But I like the adventures that lead him to we’re need’s to go. I also like how mark does different voices for the other people.

Kidnapped Brought to Life

(4,5 Sterne)

I much enjoyed the variety of voices and wonderful accents Mr. Smith employed for each of the characters in this wonderful piece of literature. It’s a great book on its own, but his reading breathes life into the words on the page. Thank you Mr. Smith for putting such quality and effort into this book recording and LibriVox for hosting such efforts in the public domain. I will be looking for both more Mr. Stevenson the author and Mr. Smith the reader.

A K Richardson

(5 Sterne)

a thoroughly enjoyable experience. kudos to Mr. Smith on his presentation, as he brought to life each character. Writers such as Robert L. Stevenson have been lost, I feel, to later generations of readers. I am thankful for Librivox readers who give of their time and talents to open again the pages of such great literature.

Mark Smith does such a good job

(5 Sterne)

Kidnapped is a good book. I wish I knew more about Scottish history in order to fully appreciate what was going on. very enjoyable and Mark Smith did such a good job pronouncing the Scottish names.

Fun story

(4 Sterne)

I like this book, not as good as Treasure Island of course, but a fun read. Especially the peek at the historical highlands. Mr Smith does a very good job reading it and reading the tough Scottish accents!

interesting book

(4,5 Sterne)

I enjoyed this novel ...not one I'd read before .... happy with the narrator . I was a tad irritated by the abrupt ending because I wanted to know more !! which is yet another reason why it must be a good book .... history,real characters & well read !!

I can't believe I waited this long to read this book!

(5 Sterne)

The reader was amazing and the story had me turning pages per say I couldn't put the book down! I would highly recommend this book I am going to look and see if the author has any other books to read.

to Sunny

(5 Sterne)

Robert Louis Stevenson is also a poet. He also wrote Catronia which is the sequel to Kidnapped. I have never read it, I am still going through Kidnapped, but I have it and am going to read it next.