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A Dog's Tale

Gelesen von Aaron Elliott

(3,939 Sterne; 198 Bewertungen)

This short novel of Twain’s, from 1903, is told from the point of view of a loyal and beloved family pet. Themes of heroics, valor and heart-wrenching tenderness fill this work. The story is also filled with happy events as well as sad ones and is ultimately about what dogs are to us … best friends. A Dog’s Tale is quintessentially Twain. (Summary by Aaron Elliott) (0 hr 29 min)


Chapter 1


Read by Aaron Elliott

Chapter 2


Read by Aaron Elliott

Chapter 3


Read by Aaron Elliott


OMG, this broke my heart, but I see the necessity!

(5 Sterne)

I couldn't decide whether to give it five stars for being so well-written that it tore me up inside and made me ashamed - yet again - of being human, or only one star to rate the tale it tells, but I decided that I cannot punish Mark Twain for merely masterfully illustrating the shameful truth regarding humans in general and this one, in particular. Perhaps if this story was shared more often and better known, it would make some people THINK and possibly, even CARE, about their thoughtless acts, cruelty to those they see as "inferior," and the state of the world in general, and maybe - just maybe - one person at a time, begin to turn things back around before it's too late!!! But if it can help prevent even ONE such act, the author did not write this brilliant work in vain.

Twain's loving&moving tribute to humankind's best friend

(5 Sterne)

..which same humankind doesn't always treat non-human animals with "humanity" -- not even dogs.In a style adding humor and social commentary to the mix together with poignancy and pathos. Moving.

Just Decent

(2,5 Sterne)

The narration is alright and the story is nice enough as a short tale. Warning: do not listen if you are prone to become emotionally attached to animal characters in a short amount of time! :(

Heart touching and heart breaking.

(5 Sterne)

wonderful story from a dogs point of view.

(5 Sterne)

to the reader: so much love and appreciation..i enjoyed listening to the story: mark twain's quote IF YOU PICK UP A STARVING DOG AND MAKE HIM PROSPEROUS, HE WILL NOT BITE YOU. THIS IS THE PRINCIPAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A DOG AND A MAN came to my this quote from this story or is it somehow related to it or inspired by it? the part when they buried her puppy and her long wait for its return is an agony every person can relate to...the story is soooo GOOD yet sooo SAD...don't get me wrong it's a good cry...a reflection for you and me

Not just Sad Events, Horrific Events

(1 Sterne)

The description of this tale is misleading and while it is Mark Twain, it has a horrible description of animal cruelty by the father in this story. Not only does he kick the dog who is saving his baby from a fire, breaking the dogs leg, he experiments on her puppy causing it to bleed, go blind and then die. I would not recommend this story to anyone.

(4,5 Sterne)

A heart wrenching tale of betrayle and heroism from a dog in a man's world I olny give it four and a half because I think twain should have made an entire novel of the wonderful tale.

LibriVox rocks

(5 Sterne)

The reader is a really good one, I like his accent, his tone of voice. The story was "ok", nothing special to me. I'll go on listening to Charles Dickens novels though.