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EF Benson: BBC Radio Comedy Dramas

(4,583 Sterne; 6 Bewertungen)

A BBC Radio collection of social comedies, wry observations of Victorian society and ‘spook stories’ from the great humorist E. F. Benson. E. F. Benson is probably best known for his wickedly satirical ‘Mapp and Lucia’ series. A prolific writer, his works included novels, biographies and supernatural fiction. His versatility is showcased in these dramatisations and readings, which range from the hilariously comic to the horribly chilling. Queen Lucia Mrs Emmeline Lucas – or ‘Lucia’, as she prefers to be addressed – vigorously guards her status as the uncrowned Queen of Riseholme. But now a mysterious Indian guru has stolen her throne – can Lucia overthrow him and reign supreme?  Benson ...... Aubrey Woods Lucia ...... Barbara Jefford Georgie Pillson ...... Jonathan Cecil The Guru ...... Raad Rawi Daisy Quantock...... Jane Wenham Robert ...... Alan Lerth Lady Ambermere ...... Jean Trend Olga ...... Anna Quayle Colonel Boucher ...... Bernard Brown Mrs Weston ...... Gaye Brown Foljambe / Hermy ...... Janice Cramer Ursy ...... Lucie Fitchett Written by E F Benson Dramatised by Aubrey Woods Directed by John Cardy First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 1984 Lucia in London When Lucia inherits an elegant town house from her Aunt Amy, she sets about trying to conquer 1920s London society. Will she make her mark on the metropolis? Benson ...... Aubrey Woods Lucia ...... Barbara Jefford Georgie Pillson ...... Jonathan Cecil Daisy Quantock ...... Jane Wenham Robert Quantock ...... Anthony Newlands Peppino ...... Michael Bilton Mrs Boucher ...... Margot Boyd Olga Bracely ...... June Tobin Grosvenor ...... Narissa Knights Foljambe ...... Helena Breck Written by E F Benson Dramatised by Aubrey Woods Directed by John Cardy First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 1985 Secret Lives In Edwardian London, the formidable Mrs Mantrip is the doyenne of Durham Square, acknowledged by all as a most desirable address. But when the arrival of Miss Susan Leg threatens to lower the tone, Mrs Mantrip has a fight on her hands. Benson ...... Aubrey Woods Susan ...... Pauline Collins Margaret ...... Margot Boyd Receptionist ...... Jonathan Tafler Mr Cartwright ...... Peter Howell Bosanquet ...... John Church Elizabeth ...... Rachel Gurney Lady Eva Lowndes ...... Pauline Letts Vicar ...... Tim Reynolds Jimmie Mason ...... Ronald Herdman Arthur ...... Edward de Souza Head waiter ...... Manning Wilson Mr Puffy ...... George Parsons Augustus ...... Andrew Branch Doctor ...... Gordon Reid Minnie Mimps ...... Sheila Grant Written by E F Benson Dramatised by Aubrey Woods Directed by Ian Cotterell First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 1987 As We Were: A Victorian Peepshow In five monologues, we hear Benson’s witty, indiscreet recollections of both his gifted parents and a host of eccentric Victorian luminaries: clergymen, academics, poets, politicians and society hostesses. Written by EF Benson Read by Sir John Gielgud Directed by John Theocharis First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1990 The Face A happily married woman is haunted by a recurring nightmare from her childhood. Praying for release from her mounting dread, she knows she cannot escape the horror that is to come…  Written by E F Benson Dramatised by Michael Bakewell Starring Rosalind Ayres, Rosalind Thomas, David Goodland, Norman Bird and Victoria Carling Directed by Gerry Jones First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 1988 The Terror by Night A convivial reunion is marred by eerie sensations, inexplicable moods and strange smells, as two friends experience a feeling of indefinable fear…  Written by EF Benson Read by Brian Gear Directed by Viv Beeby First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 1993

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.


Queen Lucia part 1


Queen Lucia part 2


Queen Lucia part 3


Queen Lucia part 4


Queen Lucia part 5


Lucia in London part 1


Lucia in London part 2


Lucia in London part 3


Lucia in London part 4


Lucia in London part 5


Secret Lives part 1


Secret Lives part 2


Secret Lives part 3


As We Were: A Victorian Peepshow pt 1


As We Were: A Victorian Peepshow pt 2


As We Were: A Victorian Peepshow pt 3


As We Were: A Victorian Peepshow pt 4


As We Were: A Victorian Peepshow pt 5


The Face


The Terror by Night



A varied collection of humor with a bit of light horror.

(5 Sterne)

Excellent audio quality and editing.