Napoleon and Marie-Louise: The Fall of the Empire
Gelesen von Celine Major
Walter Geer

FOREWORD: In a former volume, the legend of Joséphine was considered, and an attempt was made to substitute for it the truth of History. In the presence of the legend of Marie-Louise, the object is the same. For more than a century the Austrian Archduchess has been an object of detestation in France, and of contempt throughout the world. But we must remember that Marie-Louise was a German by birth and race, and that her stay in France was too short to enable her to change her tastes and her sympathies. She always felt herself an exile and a stranger in her adopted country. Except as the consort of Napoleon, Marie-Louise has no historical interest, and it is only in her relations with him that she will be considered. Our theme is the Austrian marriage and its effect on the Russian alliance: these two events determined the fate of Napoleon. - Summary by Celine Major (10 hr 39 min)