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The Crisis: A Record of the Darker Races, Vol. I, No. 2

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(3 Sterne; 2 Bewertungen)

The Crisis is the official publication of the NAACP first published in 1910 with W. E. B. Du Bois, one of the founders, as editor. He exercised almost total control of the content and opinions of the publication until he resigned in 1934. Du Bois was one of the most ardent advocates for total civil rights for all racial minorities and was a prolific author for the cause.

From Du Bois’ editorial: “The object of this publication is to set forth those facts and arguments which show the danger of race prejudice, particularly as manifested to-day toward colored people. It takes its name from the fact that the editors believe that this is a critical time in the history of the advancement of men.” This issue features discussions of Jim Crow, Socialists in Oklahoma, Education, and other topics. There is a special article, "The Real Race Problem" by Franz Boaz and another, "Talks about Women by Mrs. John E. Milholland."
- Summary by Larry Wilson (2 hr 20 min)


Introduction - Object and Methods


Read by Larry Wilson

Along the Color Line: Jim Crow, Political, Judicial Decisions


Read by drandall

Along the Color Line: Education, The Church, Economic


Read by drandall

Along the Color Line: Social Uplift, Foreign


Read by drandall

Opinion: Oklahoma, Socialists in Oklahoma


Read by Benjamin Cross

Opinion: The Maryland Decision


Read by drandall

Opinion: The Lewis Appointment, A Colored Reformatory


Read by drandall

Opinion: Bulldozing Negroes, The Panama Exposition, Foreign Comment


Read by drandall

Editorial: Good Will toward Men, N.A.A.C.P., The Races in Conference


Read by drandall

Editorial: The Election, The Ghetto, Advice, The Inevitable


Read by drandall

The Real Race Problem by Franz Boaz


Read by Morgan Callwood

The Burden


Read by drandall

Talks about Women by Mrs. John E. Milholland


Read by Morgan Callwood



Read by drandall

What to Read


Read by Larry Wilson