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American State Trials, Volume 3

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"A collection of the important and interesting criminal trials which have taken place in the United States from the beginning of our government to the present day". To the general public this series will certainly appeal as the most interesting and instructive work which has been published in this country for many years. The trial of judicial causes has even more charms than biography and history, for it is a drama of real life. We enter the halls of justice, the judges and jurors are before us, the criminal is brought in, we behold him surrounded by an eager and excited populace; the whole scene passing before the mind's eye as a living and moving picture. There is nothing in the Grecian drama that surpasses, in touching pathos, scenes in the trials and prosecutions of these men and women, sometimes innocent and sometimes guilty, but always awaiting with trembling the verdict of the jury which is to send them back to their families and friends or to the scaffold or prison. Here are the poor and ignorant confronted with their accusers but relying upon their advocates; there the rich and powerful surrounded by a host of counsel and braving even the power of the government to convict them. Sometimes the mere report of the evidence in the case and the verdict gives a complete picture of the crime and criminal but in most cases the full dramatic effect cannot be shown in a narrative, but stands out broadly and as vividly as the actual trial when the witnesses, the counsel, the judge and the prisoner are suffered to speak for themselves. in many cases the great points of interest are the eloquent arguments at the bar by the advocates, and in this collection will be included all the great forensic efforts which have been made in trials in all the States by the orators and leaders of the American Bar from the beginning of American Courts down to the present time. When it is considered how prone our people are to litigation, what a vast number of causes are decided every year, how eagerly the public attention is directed to many of them, what an amount of learning and talent are centered in the legal profession, greater perhaps than in any other, how fond American people are of attending courts, and especially the magnitude of many causes that are tried, it is extraordinary that there should not have appeared up to this time in the country a series of American State Trials. - Summary by Introduction (39 hr 42 min)


Trial of Susan B. Anthony for voting at a Congressional Election, New York, 187…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Susan B. Anthony for voting at a Congressional Election, New York, 187…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Susan B. Anthony for voting at a Congressional Election, New York, 187…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Susan B. Anthony for voting at a Congressional Election, New York, 187…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Susan B. Anthony for voting at a Congressional Election, New York, 187…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Susan B. Anthony for voting at a Congressional Election, New York, 187…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Beverly W. Jones, Edwin P. Marsh and William B. Hall for permitting wo…


Read by Cbteddy

Trial of Beverly W. Jones, Edwin P. Marsh and William B. Hall for permitting wo…


Read by Cbteddy

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Matthews F. Ward for the murder of William H.G. Butler, Kentucky, 1854…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Archibald McArdle for assault and battery, New York City, 1822


Read by Cbteddy

Trial of John Hanlon for the murder of Mary Mohrman, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania…


Read by Cbteddy

Trial of John Hanlon for the murder of Mary Mohrman, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania…


Read by Cbteddy

Trial of John Hanlon for the murder of Mary Mohrman, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania…


Read by Cbteddy

Trial of John Hanlon for the murder of Mary Mohrman, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania…


Read by Cbteddy

Trial of John Hanlon for the murder of Mary Mohrman, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania…


Read by Cbteddy

Trial of John Hanlon for the murder of Mary Mohrman, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania…


Read by Cbteddy

Trial of John Hanlon for the murder of Mary Mohrman, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania…


Read by Cbteddy

Trial of William Boott for delivering a challenge to a duel, Boston, Massachuse…


Read by Cbteddy

Trial of Robert C. Hooper for sending a challenge to a duel, Boston, Massachuse…


Read by Cbteddy

Trial of Harris Seymour, Moses Roberts, Holloway Hayward, Henry Howard and Jame…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Harris Seymour, Moses Roberts, Holloway Hayward, Henry Howard and Jame…


Read by Claudia Peri

Trial of Harris Seymour, Moses Roberts, Holloway Hayward, Henry Howard and Jame…


Read by Claudia Peri

Trial of William Dandridge Epes for the murder of Francis Adolphus Muir, Peters…


Read by roselbex

Trial of William Dandridge Epes for the murder of Francis Adolphus Muir, Peters…


Read by roselbex

Trial of William Dandridge Epes for the murder of Francis Adolphus Muir, Peters…


Read by roselbex

Trial of William Dandridge Epes for the murder of Francis Adolphus Muir, Peters…


Read by roselbex

Trial of William Dandridge Epes for the murder of Francis Adolphus Muir, Peters…


Read by roselbex

Trial of William Dandridge Epes for the murder of Francis Adolphus Muir, Peters…


Read by roselbex

Trial of William Dandridge Epes for the murder of Francis Adolphus Muir, Peters…


Read by roselbex

Trial of William Dandridge Epes for the murder of Francis Adolphus Muir, Peters…


Read by roselbex

Trial of William Dandridge Epes for the murder of Francis Adolphus Muir, Peters…


Read by roselbex

Trial of William Dandridge Epes for the murder of Francis Adolphus Muir, Peters…


Read by roselbex

Trial of William Dandridge Epes for the murder of Francis Adolphus Muir, Peters…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Berthina Tucker for grand larceny, New York City, 1820


Read by Hansen1021

Trial of Richard Lawrence for shooting at President Andrew Jackson, Washington,…


Read by faceForRadio

Trial of Richard Lawrence for shooting at President Andrew Jackson, Washington,…


Read by faceForRadio

Trial of Cyrus B. Dean for the murder of Jonathan Ormsby and Asa March, Burling…


Read by Christine Bowden

Trial of Cyrus B. Dean for the murder of Jonathan Ormsby and Asa March, Burling…


Read by Cbteddy

Trial of Jared W. Bell for blasphemy, New York City, 1821


Read by mleigh

Trial of Noah Cherry, Robert Thompson and Harris Atkinson for the murder of App…


Read by mleigh

Trial of Noah Cherry, Robert Thompson and Harris Atkinson for the murder of App…


Read by mleigh

Trial of Noah Cherry, Robert Thompson and Harris Atkinson for the murder of App…


Read by mleigh

Trial of Noah Cherry, Robert Thompson and Harris Atkinson for the murder of App…


Read by mleigh

Trial of Noah Cherry, Robert Thompson and Harris Atkinson for the murder of App…


Read by mleigh

Action of James Maurice against Samuel Judd for a penalty, New York City, 1818 …


Read by Hansen1021

Action of James Maurice against Samuel Judd for a penalty, New York City, 1818 …


Read by roselbex

Action of James Maurice against Samuel Judd for a penalty, New York City, 1818 …


Read by roselbex

Action of James Maurice against Samuel Judd for a penalty, New York City, 1818 …


Read by roselbex

Action of James Maurice against Samuel Judd for a penalty, New York City, 1818 …


Read by roselbex

Action of James Maurice against Samuel Judd for a penalty, New York City, 1818 …


Read by roselbex

Action of James Maurice against Samuel Judd for a penalty, New York City, 1818 …


Read by Hansen1021

Trial of Ebenezer Clough for embracery, Boston, Massachusetts, 1833 Part 1


Read by roselbex

Trial of Ebenezer Clough for embracery, Boston, Massachusetts, 1833 Part 2


Read by roselbex

Trial of Ebenezer Clough for embracery, Boston, Massachusetts, 1833 Part 3


Read by roselbex

Trial of Ebenezer Clough for embracery, Boston, Massachusetts, 1833 Part 4


Read by roselbex

Trial of Ebenezer Clough for embracery, Boston, Massachusetts, 1833 Part 5


Read by roselbex

Trial of Ebenezer Clough for embracery, Boston, Massachusetts, 1833 Part 6


Read by roselbex

Trial of Ebenezer Clough for embracery, Boston, Massachusetts, 1833 Part 7


Read by roselbex

Trial of Dr. Valorus P. Coolidge for the murder of Edward Mathews, Maine, 1848 …


Read by Martha H. Weller

Trial of Dr. Valorus P. Coolidge for the murder of Edward Mathews, Maine, 1848 …


Read by Martha H. Weller

Trial of Dr. Valorus P. Coolidge for the murder of Edward Mathews, Maine, 1848 …


Read by Martha H. Weller

Trial of Dr. Valorus P. Coolidge for the murder of Edward Mathews, Maine, 1848 …


Read by Martha H. Weller

Trial of Dr. Valorus P. Coolidge for the murder of Edward Mathews, Maine, 1848 …


Read by Martha H. Weller

Trial of Dr. Valorus P. Coolidge for the murder of Edward Mathews, Maine, 1848 …


Read by Martha H. Weller

Trial of Dr. Valorus P. Coolidge for the murder of Edward Mathews, Maine, 1848 …


Read by Martha H. Weller

Trial of Dr. Valorus P. Coolidge for the murder of Edward Mathews, Maine, 1848 …


Read by Christine Bowden

Trial of Raymer C. Wertendyke and James Pike for false imprisonment and of Robe…


Read by mleigh

Trial of Colonel David Henley for improper conduct as an officer of the America…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Colonel David Henley for improper conduct as an officer of the America…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Colonel David Henley for improper conduct as an officer of the America…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Colonel David Henley for improper conduct as an officer of the America…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Colonel David Henley for improper conduct as an officer of the America…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Colonel David Henley for improper conduct as an officer of the America…


Read by roselbex

Trial of Jonathan Walker for aiding slaves to escape, Florida, 1844


Read by mleigh

Trial of Antonio Ancarola for kidnapping, New York City, 1879 Part 1


Read by Cbteddy

Trial of Antonio Ancarola for kidnapping, New York City, 1879 Part 2


Read by Cbteddy