Gawayne and the Green Knight (Lewis Translation Version 2)
Gelesen von Jerome Lawsen
The Gawain Poet, Charlton Miner Lewis and The Gawain Poettranslated Bycharlton Miner Lewis

Published in 1903, Gawayne and the Green Knight is a modern-language retelling of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, a 14th-century verse romance following a young knight of the Round Table. During Christmas celebrations, a mysterious, entirely green knight presents a challenge to King Arthur's court: that any may strike the stranger a single blow with his green axe, provided he assent to receiving the same a year later. Gawayne accepts the challenge, and its unexpected outcome leads to a great test of his courage and knighthood. A significant addition to this version is the Lady Elfinhart, whose back-story and romance with Gawayne are tightly interwoven with the plot. (Summary by Jerome Lawsen) (1 hr 17 min)
Too Modern

Elfinheart wasn't added until around 1913. I wanted the original.

Great narrator, awful version. If you're already familiar with this story, this would be a nice listen for sure. However, it varies wildly from the original. I enjoyed the listen, but suggest no one listen until they've read/listened to the original.
A lively and entertaining version

A lively and entertaining version of the story well worth listening to. Should have been entitled "The Green Knight Before Christmas" (have a listen and you'll see what I mean...

The audio is fuzzy, but that’s more due to the age of the recording rather than any fault of the narrator. Very well read for free, pleasant to listen to

Excellent reading!!!Very talented young man!!! Please read more!!! This is a spritely, sweet, and rather humorous version of the old classic!

I would recommend the J.R.R. Tolkien version