Brigands of the Moon
Gelesen von LibriVox Volunteers
Ray Cummings

Gregg Haljan was aware that there was a certain danger in having the giant spaceship Planetara stop off at the moon to pick up Grantline's special cargo of moon ore. For that rare metal--invaluable in keeping Earth's technology running--was the target of many greedy eyes. But nevertheless he hadn't figured on the special twist the clever Martian brigands would use. So when he found both the ship and himself suddenly in their hands, he knew that there was only one way in which he could hope to save that cargo and his own secret--that would be by turning space-pirate himself and paying the Brigands of the Moon back in their own interplanetary coin. (From the Gutenberg e-text) (7 hr 33 min)
Paul Ajzenman

Overly long story with too many readers half of whom detracted from the plot due to their narrative style. As another critique noted this was not sci-fi rather a mild adventure tale with a few sci-fi trappings.
Good story

This story is set in the time when people still thought Martians lived on Mars, and the moon was a place of riches. Greg is a member of the ship Planatara, scheduled to land on the moon to bring back a large quantity of gold after a routine trip to Mars. This information should have been classified, but it is leaked to the brigands who want the gold for themselves, and who will do anything to get it. Complicating things is the appearance of George Prince and his Martian cohort Miko, a known brigand. Greg alerts the captain, but he knows it is already too late, and trouble is brewing on the ship Planatara. My only grouch was with some of the chapters. Since this was a group reading, some readers read using voices that just didn't work for the characters they were reading for. It made my left eye twitch (meant as a joke :-). All in all though, it was a great adventure, well worth the read. Enjoy!
Brigands of si-fi

Not really a si-fi the author could have substituted space ship for a ocean liner the moon for treasure Island heat rays for pistols it was really a romantic drama....good narration but bland.
Fantastic work!

Both the story and the narration are super, and I plan to reprint the book on paper for Christmas 2011. Thanks for sharing!
Great book

About space ships and aliens. My kind of book.