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Combat Lessons Number 1: Rank And File In Combat: What They're Doing, How They …

Gelesen von David Wales

(4,5 Sterne; 10 Bewertungen)

This 1942 Army manual, published during the course of World War II, consists of quotations from soldiers in the field concerning their experiences. Its format is subject, soldier’s name, place, quote. “The purpose of ‘Combat Lessons’ is to give to our officers and enlisted men the benefit of the battle experiences of others. To be of maximum benefit these lessons must be disseminated without delay. They do not necessarily represent the carefully considered views of the War Department; they do, however, reflect the actual experiences of combat and, therefore, merit careful reading.” (from the Introduction by General George C. Marshall). Note: The text contains racist and other emotion-laden language common in wartime, i.e., ‘Jap’ ‘Heinie” etc. - Summary by david wales and book introduction (1 hr 19 min)




Read by David Wales

Section 1 Infantry Part 1


Read by David Wales

Section 1 Infantry Part 2


Read by David Wales

Section 2 Field Artillery


Read by David Wales

Section 3 Miscellaneous


Read by David Wales

Section 4 Notes On The Nips and Section 5 Hints On The Heinie


Read by David Wales


Largely Outdated a Irrelevant

(4,5 Sterne)

Todays military has no need to attack pill boxes or drop white phosphorous. Soldiers in today's military REALLY need to learn lessons in fighting prejudice and sexual intolerance. General Marshall, an old white male, was the army chief of staff during a war conducted largely against brown people, aka Japanese. He was responsible for these terrible lessons. Thankfully we no longer have people like General Marshall in the military. Instead we have people like General Mattis, a nonbinary gender inclusive androgenous desciple of critical race theory. General Mattis realizes the purpose of the military is not to kill people, but to ensure all persons are valued and included regardless of sexuality and nuerodivergence. Thank the Goddess we have gotten rid of all those relics of the past.