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The Boy Travellers in the Russian Empire

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(5 Sterne; 3 Bewertungen)

An engaging travelogue first published in 1886, written conversationally among two youths and their guide and mentor. Subtitle: Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey in European and Asiatic Russia, with Accounts of a Tour across Siberia, Voyages on the Amoor, Volga, and Other Rivers, a Visit to Central Asia, Travels Among the Exiles, and a Historical Sketch of the Empire from its Foundation to the Present Time. This book is part of The Boy Travellers series by Thomas W. Knox. - Summary by S Caulkins (14 hr 12 min)


Chapter 1 - Vienna to Cracow; Wieliczka; Churches and Palaces Underground; Subt…


Read by Lynette Caulkins

Chapter 2 - Russian Frontier; Police and the Custom-house; Censorship; a Smuggl…


Read by jenno

Chapter 3 - St. Petersburg; Isvoshchiks and Droskies; Passports; Nevski Prospec…


Read by Rita Boutros

Chapter 4 - A Russian Restaurant; Russian Tea-drinkers; Alexander's Column; For…


Read by BettyB

Chapter 5 - The People; Pan-Slavic Union; St. Isaac's Church; the Winter Palace…


Read by Elsie Selwyn

Chapter 6 - The Gostinna Dvor; Russian Shopping; Curious Customs; St. Alexander…


Read by Rita Boutros

Chapter 7 - Newspapers; The Censorship; Peterhof, Oranienbaum, and Cronstadt; t…


Read by Rita Boutros

Chapter 8 - Education in Russia; Universities in the Empire; Religious Liberty;…


Read by Rita Boutros

Chapter 9 - Mujiks; "The Imperial Nosegay;” Russian Serfdom; Present Condition …


Read by Elsie Selwyn

Chapter 10 - Winter in Russia; Official Opening of the Neva; "Butter-week;" Kis…


Read by Nidhi Prakash

Chapter 11 - Novgorod the Great; Rurik and his Successors; John the Terrible; E…


Read by Rita Boutros

Chapter 12 - Moscow; Napoleon's Campaign in Russia; Burning of Moscow; The Krem…


Read by Andrew Ryals

Chapter 13 - Great Theatre of Moscow; Gorod and Dvor; Romanoffs; the Rulers of …


Read by Rita Boutros

Chapter 14 - Troitska Monastery; European Fairs; Minin's Tomb and Tower; Down t…


Read by Owlivia

Chapter 15 - Avatcha Bay; Attack upon Petropavlovsk; Dogs and Dog-driving; Kamt…


Read by Mario Pineda

Chapter 16 - Exiles of Siberia; Perpetual Colonists; Lodging-houses and Prisons…


Read by jenno

Chapter 17 - Siberian Population; Absence of Serfdom; A Russian Fête; Courtship…


Read by jenno

Chapter 18 - Mai-Mai-Chin; Chinese Governor; Theatrical Performance; Lake Baika…


Read by BettyB

Chapter 19 - Krasnoyarsk; Russian Pronunciation; The "Oukhaba”; Road-fever; Wol…


Read by Mairi MacLean

Chapter 20 - Russian Reception Ceremony; Simbirsk, Samara, and Saratov; German …


Read by Elsie Selwyn

Chapter 21 - Russian Conquest in Turkestan; Kirghese Tribes; Russian Taxes; Tur…


Read by Owlivia

Chapter 22 - Turcoman Country; Trans-Caspian Railway; Skobeleff's Campaign; Riv…


Read by BettyB

Chapter 23 - Tiflis; Batoum and its Importance; Trebizond and Erzeroom; Short H…


Read by KevinS


Another wonderful title in the series, beautifully read

(5 Sterne)

All of these books are such a delight. It is a pleasure to hear more from the author, and the readers are fabulous. Extremely informative and highly recommended. If you enjoy this one, be sure to seek out the others in the same series

Interesting road story.

(5 Sterne)

Sort of a lost and found travelogue—meaning that the story of the “boys” and their adult companion comes and goes. So the charm varies. Interesting info nonetheless.