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On Subjects Connected with the Christian Ministry

Gelesen von InTheDesert

A collection of brief observations about the Christian ministry, grouped thematically.

"On my first intercourse with Mr. Cecil, now upwards of fifteen years since, when in the full vigor of his mind, I was so struck with the wisdom and originality of his remarks, that I considered it my duty to record what seemed to me most likely to be useful to others. It should be observed that Mr. Cecil is made to speak often of himself: and, to persons who do not consider the circumstances of the case, there may appear much egotism in the quantity of such remarks here put together, and in the manner in which his things are said: but this will be treating him with the most flagrant injustice; for it must be remembered, that the remarks of this nature were chiefly made by him, from time to time, in answer to my particular inquiries into his judgment and habits on certain points of doctrine or practice. I have labored in recording those sentiments which I have gathered from him in conversation, to preserve as much as possible his very expressions; and they who were familiar with his manner will be able to judge, in general, how far I have succeeded: but I would explicitly disavow an exact verbal responsibility. For the sentiments I make myself answerable. In some instances, I have brought together observations made at different times; the reader is not, therefore, to understand that the thoughts here collected on any subject always followed in immediate connexion." - Summary by Preface (1 hr 20 min)


On a Minister's Qualifying Himself for his Office


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On the Assistance which a Minister has Reason to Expect in the Discharge of his…


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On Preaching Christ


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On a Minister's Faithful Intercourse with his Hearers


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On a Minister's Encouraging Animadversion on Himself


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On the Limits which a Minister should put to the Indulgence of his Curiosity wi…


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On the Means of Promoting a Spirit of Devotion in Congregations


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On the Marriage of Christian Ministers


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On Visiting Death-Beds


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Miscellaneous Remarks on the Christian Ministry


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