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A Magician Among the Spirits

Gelesen von PhyllisV

(4,818 Sterne; 11 Bewertungen)

Houdini, an escape artist and illusionist, became interested later in his life in debunking spiritualists, disbelieving anyone who claimed to have supernatural powers. This was during an era where paranormal phenomena, especially seances, were extremely popular. Although skeptical of their claims, he longed to find a credible source to communicate with family members he had lost. This book chronicles his travels and the many people he spoke with and his observations of their 'powers' and along the way also reveals many of the tricks they employed to deceive their paying customers. - Summary by Phyllis Vincelli (11 hr 3 min)


Introduction and Preface


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 1 - The Founders of Modern Spiritualism


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 2 Part I - The Davenport Brothers


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 2 Part II - The Davenport Brothers


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 3 - Daniel Dunglas Home


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 4 - Palladino


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 5 - Ann O'Delia Diss Debar


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 6 Part I - Dr. Slade and his Spirit Slates


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 6 Part II - Dr. Slade and his Spirit Slates


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 7 - Slate Writing and Other Methods


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 8 Part I - Spirit Photography


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 8 Part II - Spirit Photography


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 9 Part I - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 9 Part II - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 9 Part III - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 10 - Why Ectoplasm?


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 11 - By-Products of Spiritualism


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 12 Part I - Investigations - Wise and Otherwise


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 12 Part II - Investigations - Wise and Otherwise


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 13 - How Mediums Obtain Information


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 14 - What You Must Believe to be a Spiritualist


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 15 Part I - Magicians as Detectors of Fraud


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 15 Part II - Magicians as Detectors of Fraud


Read by PhyllisV

Chapter 16 - Conclusion


Read by PhyllisV



Read by PhyllisV



(5 Sterne)

Like a latter-day Derren Brown or James Randi, Houdini was what we would call a sceptic - as well as a master magician - although as he says in the Introduction, he would gladly have "proof" of genuine communication with spirits, despite a life spent searching for it, all he ever found were tricks and legerdemain. He even went as far as setting up secret signals, handshakes and codes with multiple people, so that if they "returned" via a medium, Houdini would know them by the secret signal - but all to no avail. This wonderfully read book is an absolute delight. It is brilliant to see how methodical he is in his approach, and the vignettes he drops about his life, inter alia, are fabulous - like the time he commanded the rain to stop, and then on being told it was due to stop raining anyway, made it begin raining again - all recounted with his dry wit. For anyone with even a passing interest in magic and magic history, this book is essential reading

Great Discussions of BS

(4 Sterne)

Well written and well read, this biography illuminates how cons stole from the public. It is sad that those in deep grief were used in such awful ways. A Good read.