Heather and Snow
Gelesen von Hannah Mary
George MacDonald

Set in the barren lowlands of Scotland with a small cast of characters, both lives and landscape are vividly portrayed and masterfully intertwined. Through the years, a retired soldier and his daughter do their best to care for a weak-minded, large-souled boy and a headstrong, wayward young landlord.
Though one of MacDonald's somewhat gothic-style novels, even the darker portions are shot through with gleams of hope and love for "The Bonny Man" (Jesus). - Summary by HannahMary (7 hr 43 min)

What a sweet tale, and so sweetly read! The Scots dialect is so well done! It is rather hard to understand sometimes, but I love it anyway and almost always can get the gist of it. (Having read 'Kidnapped' some years ago really helped :) This is my first of MacDonald's, and I am excited to try more. The characters felt so authentic and close. I especially felt a strange attraction for Steenie: his simple yet profound faith was so refreshing.
Enjoyed this!

This was very well read. I had some difficulty understanding the dialect at first, but I got the book on my Kindle, too, so I could follow along at times, and seeing the words and names in print helped a lot. At the end of the book in Kindle, there's an explanation of what was happening in the world at the time the book was written, of various wars and the beginning of different church groups. All quite thought provoking, thank you!

This was written and read in such thick brogue that it was too troublesome to make out. Gave up