Bible (ASV) 20: Proverbs
Gelesen von Sam Stinson
American Standard Version

Proverbs, a book of the Old Testament, is a collection of pithy Biblical sayings. It is wisdom literature by multiple authors, including Solomon. Throughout the book, Lady Wisdom and Lady Folly struggle to get the attention of the simple, leading them to glory or disgrace.
(Summary by Sam Stinson) (1 hr 44 min)

Reader has literally cut and pasted the same recording of the word "Jehova" dozens of times throughout. So disjointed.
Bible ( ACV) 20: Proverbs

Bible ( ACV) 20: Proverbs oh men you are living amlng the rebellions,
great book to ponder every morning

great book, well read perfect for prayer.
The book of Proverbs offers wisdom to those who wish to learn.

mask over with proper ASV translation made it tough to listen to

Good book, but read to dramatically.
TRE listener