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Collin Dexter Last Bus To Woodstock

(4,846 Sterne; 13 Bewertungen)

Last Bus to Woodstock By Colin Dexter Dramatised for radio by Melville Jones Inspector Morse: Andrew Burt When a girl is murdered on the outskirts of Oxford it takes all of Insp Morse's patience, skill and good humour to track down the killer... Sgt Lewis: Christopher Douglas John Sanders: John Hartoch Sylvia: Deborah Appleby Mrs Jarman/Matron: Patricia Gibson Jennifer: Deborah Cranston Sue/Sarah: Jane Bickerton Bernard: Alan Thompson Palmer/Peter: Graham Blockey Margaret: Maggie Tarver Director: Brian Miller BBC Bristol   Saturday-Night Theatre: Sat 15th Jun 1985 20:30 on BBC Radio 4 FM

This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.


Last Bus to Woodstock



A Very Good Listen

(5 Sterne)

Andrew Burt playing the part of Morse is far better than John Thaw in my opinion. This is an excellent episode and keeps you guessing till the very end.