George Birmingham Spanish Gold

Spanish Gold By George Birmingham Adapted by Alan England When the Rev Meldon teams up with an English major to uncover the long-lost treasure from a Spanish galleon wrecked in Irish waters, they have more than just the cunning native population to contend with ... J.J. Meldon: Kieran Cunningham Major Kent: Stuart Richman Higginbothan: Chris Wilkinson Sir Giles Buckley: Michael Irving Eusby Langton: Neville Barber Eustace Willoughby: Christopher Kent Thomas O'Flaherty Pat: Sean Barrett Mary Kate: Fenella Norman Fr Mulcrone: Richard Tate Saturday-Night Theatre Sat 7th Jul 1990, 19:45 on BBC Radio 4 FM Director Dave Sheasby A classic romantic drama full of action and adventure. Spanish Gold (1908) established his popularity by him, with his central figure, the Reverend JJ Meldon, a curate of unusual boldness and eloquence. The reading public welcomed this new sort of humorous novel, and Hannay responded by writing a 'George Birmingham' novel almost every year. This, the wittiest novel for many years, is the author's finest work. It is a typically Irish story—pure, undiluted humor from beginning to end.
This recording is part of the Old Time Radio collection.
weird tale

Weird tale but many of the voices are so similar I had trouble keeping track.